Gwella - ELESIG Symposium Exeter




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What is Gwella?

Enhancing Learning & Teaching Through Technology A Strategy for Higher Education in Wales.

The use of technology in higher education in Wales is intended to lead to -

“the enhancement of learning, teaching, assessment, the curriculum and core processes and the optimum

learning experience, with an established threshold, based on robust technology, including encouraging

developments at the forefront of this provision”


14th March 1761?

250 years ago?

Fenwick Weavers Society

First commercial co-operative?

No leadership……

Wenger……. work the spaces

‘When you're dealing with someone who only has a pair of underpants on, if you take his underpants off, he has nothing left - he's naked. You're better off trying to find him a pair of trousers to complement him rather than change him.’
