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  • 1. B Y : S H A E L A R A T T L E Y , S H A N I C E W A R R E N A N D V I C K R A M R E D D Y Stereotypes in Racial Definitions

2. What is the purpose? Claim: Racial stereotypes are detrimental to the growth of populations and can not be used to the inconsistencies of said generalizations Evidence: Interdisciplinary research and the story Recitatif by Toni Morrison Disciplines utilized: History, Economics, Education and Music 3. Why Interdisciplinary Research? More disciplines = more evidence Different disciplines provide different viewpoints Analysis of different disciplines provides greater credibility 4. History: African American Stereotypes from past to present Minorities consist of: Danger Poverty Uneducated 5. Economics: Racial Inequalities A debated stereotype is African Americans are less responsible in fiscal matters Origin of Stereotype: Slavery Disenfranchisement Racial Inequality Less Responsible? Impact of Stereotype: Wharton Study shows that blacks receive 1.3% less than Caucasian people 6. Economics: Logical Inconsistency Prevailing belief among banking institutions: blacks are less responsible with money Analysis of recession says otherwise 93% of equity was lost due to the 70% of the population that was white Impossible to judge a race based on a sample 7. Education: A Limiting Factor for Black Youth Blacks disenfranchisement left them out of the education system Origin of the stereotype that the black population is less intelligent Study of Forbes magazine in 1998 Lack of support results in lack of performance 8. Education: A Limiting Factor for Asian Youth Asian youth are expected to succeed without fail High expectations could help leave no room for error Asian students psyche is completely damaged a good portion of the time Asian students cant excel in anything but education? 9. Education: Invalid Stereotypes There is no evidence that blacks are inferior to others in education There is no evidence proving that Asians can not excel in other realms Stanford psychological study in 2004 One can not define the positive and negative traits of a population through adherence of stereotypes 10. Music: We can listen to more than one genre! Blacks are believed to only listen to Hip-Hop and R&B Whites are believed to listen to only rock and roll Hispanics are believe to listen only to bachata, merengue or other Spanish music People believe a persons characteristics could be identified by the music they like Blog: Who Racialized Music? 11. Conclusion Stereotypes negatively impact different races Stereotypes are not consistent and do not have logical backing Historical precedent describes the origin of stereotypes Economics describe the idiocracy of banking institutions and the inconsistency of judgment Education reflects the impact of stereotype on student and the lack of backing with regards to one race being smarter than the other Music shows that one can define a race based on the music they listen to 12. Works Cited Arrow, Kenneth J. "What Has Economics to Say about Racial Discrimination?" Journal of Economic Perspectives (1998): 91-100. Web. "Conspicuous Consumption and Race: Who Spends More on What." 14 May 2008. Wharton University of Pennsylvania. Web. 16 April 2014. Kelvin, Guest Contributor. Racialicious- the intersection of race and pop culture. 21 May 2008. Web. 13 April 2014. Morrison, Toni and Doris Lessing. Recitatif. Barcelona: Difusion, 2010. Print. "The Achievement Gap." n.d. Forbes. Web. 15 April 2014.