Great Civilisations


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Great Civilisations

What will We Learn for Today?

• Key Words: Culture

• Reading about The Golden Age of Islam

• Word Builder ( -ry, -tion, -ence, -ist, -ance)

• Noun Game!

• Sentence Builder (a bit, a lot, even, much)

Key Words: Culture

• Architecture

• Calligraphy

• Ceramics

• Distillation

• Encyclopedia

• Glass

• Operation

• Paper

• Philosophy

• Trade

• Translation

The Golden Age of Islam (750-1258)

Xian Mosque – China

Cordoba Mosque – Spain

Samarra Mosque – Iraq

Kazan Mosque – Russia

Word BuilderExamples Noun Suffixes

Discovery -ry

Invention -tion

Evidence -ence

Scientist -ist

Importance -ance

Noun Game!

• Celebrate

• Explore

• Inform

• Prepare

• Present

• Recover

• Celebration

• Exploration

• Information

• Preparation

• Presentation

• Recovery

Sentence Builder• The people of Makkah were a bit more

open to people with new ideas.

• Their actions were a lot more important

to philosophy throughout the world.

• They made even amazing improvements.

• The translations made them much easier

to read and understand.

HomeworkEx. 5 – 7 p. 19

T h a n k Y o u !