Global Collaboration - Global SEE Summit



'How to' workshop about Global Collaboration that I presented at the Global SEE Summit in Calgary, Canada.

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Global Collaboration (creating global learners)Boris Berlijn

SMART Exemplary EducatorSMART Collaborative Classroom Teacher

Apple Distinguished EducatorSMART Certified Trainer






M600 + UF70

M600 + U




WiFi for students

Ashram College, Room 225

Ashram College, Room 225

Wednesday July 23rd

2:45 - 4:15: Session 2 - Global Collaboration workshop

• Introduction• Group session 1: (NA and EMEA mixed!)• ‘How to’ with the use of the Global Collaboration toolkit• Global Teenager Project• Group session 2: Prepare a global collaboration project together and share on

GoldStar SEE community (NA and EMEA mixed!)• Closing

Share your thoughts

eXtreme Collaboration

• Divide in small groups from 5-8 teachers• Discuss the three upcoming topics• Scan QR-code• Add the group results using XC to the this file

iOS - android - windows

What kind of activities would and could you do with a class that's more than 6 timezones away?

Visit, enter ID:


Make products and share them (not necessarily in real time)

Literature circles Science Labs

Kahoot games about culture

Playing games together

Create a book together

Blogging, picture blogs, holiday traditions, recording how to content, games, candy exchange

Create an amp workspace together

Shared writing activity


shared documents,

*Compare activities on the playgroud k-2

Share music from students even if not same subject

What's life like? General Q&A session (like pen pals amped up)

Changing videos and Notebook-files

Book club, banquet, community sharing Academic Olympics

sending videos to each other

Any that could be done asynchronously

We can do a game to annother country, academic olympic type with xc.

I live in California and to collaborate with Europe will require the use of short videos, Dropbox like shares and activities that will not require real-time dynamic collaboration.

Cultural Exchanges

Part / whole projects

Explore what common problems exist in both communities (e.g. graffiti) and discuss/implement solutions

Students could connect with another country not knowing where they are connecting. Then they play a 20 questions yes or no game and record the other classes' answers and try to find out where they are located.

Shared writing activity (choose your own adventure, collaborative story writing)Digital storytelling

A meeting in a fix time that suits both schools

Gaining information about the place, the culture, and everyday life

Art teachers could collaborate on differing artistic styles around the world. Students could paint and send the final products to their new oversees pals.

Studing each other country/continent. And then check with eachother.

playing virtual games

*Compare the activities they do on the playground(k-2) *Compare artists from both countries * Presentations about their home country *In higher ed story sharing about accomodations from one country to the next *Investigate seasons

minecraft building

What other tools could you use when SMART Bridgit is not an option to collaborate IRT with each other?

Skype classroom facetime



google hang outsGoogle Hangout, Skype, Facetime


Google hangout

google hangouts, Skype, google drive, twitter, face time, phonesFaceTime, Skype, Google Hangouts, GoToMeeting, Telephone, Twitter, Gretchen yelling down the hall




Skype, Facebook

*Padlet *Voicethread

Smart Amp

Skype, lync. Etc. Google docs realtime collaboration. FaceTime phone.

padlet,, XC, adobe connect (Canada), CalleasyToday's Meet,, Padlet


What should your students gain from a global collaboration project?

Any type of cloud Global awareness

Global Understanding

The 4 C'sGlobal citizenship awereness

Insight on how other cultures liveA global frame of reference

become global citizens

Embracing differences

*Celebration of diversity

Making them think glocally

Global understanding, appreciation for differences, friendships

Digital citizenship

Understanding other cultures

understanding perspectives

Long life friendship

Social aspect,

understanding, compassion, respect, self-awareness, communication/collaboration skills

Empathy and respect for other cultures. Better world citizens

Culturel understanding, global continiues learning. Talking to each other, where the understanding, and really learn each other. Respect. Global citizens

Expanding horizons while shrinking the world

Social awareness

Global Collaboration Toolkit

Table of content:

• Hardware

• Software

• Social Media

• Lesson Ideas

What hardware do you need?

• SMART Board

• smartphone or tablet

• Tripod

• Extra projector/SMART Board

• (laptop)computer



Which software could be used to share content?

SMART Notebook

SMART Bridgit


For creating content

For sharing content on the SMART Board


For sharing desktop

For sharing desktopZoom

Note: go to Gold Star SEE website to access password

Bridgit for SMART Exemplary Educators

Skype (multi-platform)or

Facetime (on Apple devices)

For video and audio sharing

For video and audio sharing

Free video conferencing software



Display tweets on the screen with:


Where to meet other teachers?

Skype in the classroom

Facebook groups SMARTEEs

Google + circle SMARTEEs

SMARTEE chat Twitter (#smartee)

Global Teenager Project



Gold Star SEE Challenge

Global Collaboration

Gold Star SEE Challenge!

• Divide in 26 small groups (SEEs from outside Canada/US will split up)

• Create and plan a global collaboration session with your group

• Go to the Gold Star SEE platform and complete the challenge

Lesson ideas

Quiz game between classes in different countries

This quiz-format has no content and you can add your own on the pages (text, pictures and films) to complete the quiz on any subject. The pages and internal links are fully prepared and ready to go!

Pool quiz-format from SkoolTM has no content and you can add your own questions. Eight questions per team and you are ready to go!



Succes stories

Global Teenager Project

Global Teenager Project

Learning Circles

• 80 learning circles per year• 6 languages• 10 weeks• collaboration & cooperation• using wiki's

borisberlijn (SMART Collaborative Classroom)

SMART Collaborative Classroom


Thank you!
