Get an English teaching job abroad – Get TEFL certified


DESCRIPTION teaching English abroad, how to get jobs – Get TEFL certified explains different course choices, different study locations and the negative impact your choices can have on your ability to get a job. You control what you choose so choose wisely.

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Get TEFL certified Get an English teaching job abroad – 1EBC INTERNATIONAL TEFL CERTIFICATE

If you want to teach English abroad, get TEFL certified


How to get TEFL certified

Types of TEFL certification courses you can take

These days you have three primary choices:

Online only TEFL certification

Hybrid TEFL certification – a blend of online and practical training

A four week residential TEFL course, preferably accredited by an examination board or university

Your choice will have a direct impact on your ability to get a job abroad teaching English.

Where to get TEFL certified

You will have to decide where you want to study.

You have two choices for where to take your TEFL certificate course:

In your home country

In the country where you would like to teach

Your choice will have a direct impact on your ability to get a job abroad teaching English.

The best choice

The best way to get a job abroad teaching English is to train abroad.

If you are serious about getting a job abroad teaching English, attend a four week residential TEFL course, preferably accredited by an examination board or university.

You will gain an internationally accepted TEFL certificate, train in the country where you want to teach, attend interviews and get hired for local teaching jobs.

This is the fastest and cheapest way to get a job abroad teaching English.

The other choices

If you do not want to train abroad, there are serious challenges for the rest of the options to get a job abroad teaching English.

All the other options have a unique set of challenges that you must address.

If you cannot come up with a workable and affordable solution for each challenge, forget about your desire to get a job abroad teaching English.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Almost all quality language schools will want to meet you in person before they make a job offer. A school that will hire you without meeting you may not be a school. Check first to avoid potentially dangerous/fatal situations.

The consequences of your choice

Your choices will have a direct impact on your ability to get a job abroad teaching English.

Your choices will dictate how quickly and easily you will be able to find a job, interview and start working.

Assessing the options and deciding what is the best choice is the most important thing you will do.

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