Gamemaker views


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Week 11

+What were we doing in last weeks tutorial?

+Last week you learnt how to animate your spritesusing GameMakers built in sprite editor.

+This week

You will be learning about views and how we can apply and edit them in GameMaker.

+What does the word “view” mean?

In game development the ‘view’ refers to what we can, or can’t, see of the game level.

+What’s the difference between these 2 games?

+How much of the level can you normally see in a platform game?

+Why might we only show part of a game level?

+By withholding what is in front of the player we can build tension

This can increase the players challenge.

+Why might we want to show all of a game level?

+Showing the whole level can show the player their objective


You will need to add a view system to your game rooms.

You will need to make that view follow your avatar object, and edit the size of the view window.

+If you finish adding a view to your game improve your sprite animations from last week

+By the end of the lesson, you

MUST be able to apply a view system to an avatar in a room

SHOULD be able to edit the size of a view in a room

COULD apply sprite editing skills to improve a sprites animation

+Where can you find the tutorial?

+Task 1

Watch the video tutorial Add a view system to your room Edit the size of the view in the room

If you finish adding a view continue to edit your animations in GameMaker, then add more challenges and depth to your game.


Preview your game on your computer

Walk the room and play each others games

Which is the best game? Why is that?
