Fulghum adams ppt


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Warmup Warmup What was one difference between Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson?

“One difference between Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson was…”

Table of Contents Table of Contents 1. Presidency of George

Washington 2. Hamilton vs. Jefferson3. Presidency of John


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Complete the Cornell Notes on John Adams

George Washington ReviewGeorge Washington Review

-Washington was our first president ($1)

-His Vice President was John Adams

-Washington was inaugurated (sworn in) in New York City…the first capital of the United States

-Washington was against political parties and believed in remaining neutral

John Adams


After two terms, George Washington left office. In his farewell address he warned:

“Let me now…warn you…against the [harmful] effects of the spirit of party…This spirit, unfortunately…exists in different shapes in all governments…but in those of the popular form, it is seen in its greatest rankness and is truly their worst enemy”

Nevertheless, as Washington’s second term came to an end, two political parties emerged as two of Washington’s Cabinet members disagreed about the direction the new nation should take.

Jefferson Hamilton

Limit the power of the federal government!

The national government should be strong!


Strong national government

Fear of mob rule

Favored a national bank

Economy based on manufacturing and shipping

Supporters were lawyers, merchants, and manufacturers

The First Political Parties


Limited national government

Fear of rule by one person or a powerful few

Opposed national bank

Economy based on farming

Supporter were farmers, trades people

In 1796, the U.S. held its first elections in which political parties competed. The Federalists picked John Adams as their candidate for president. The Democratic-Republicans chose Thomas Jefferson as their candidate.

Adams received 71 of the electoral votes and Jefferson received 68 of the votes. The Constitution said that the runner-up should become vice-president, therefore, the country had a Federalist president and a Democratic-Republican vice-president.

Abigail Adams was a loyal supporter of her husband. They often wrote letters to each other while he was a member of the Continental Congress during the Revolution. She was a proponent of women’s rights and the abolishment of slavery.

… “I desire that you would Remember the Ladies, and be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors”

Washington D.C. (on the border of Maryland and Virginia) was chosen as the nation’s new capital. It was part of a deal with the northern states that the capital would be located in the south. John Adams was the first president to live in what we now call “The White House”.


Earliest known photo of the Executive Mansion in 1846. It became officially known as the “White House” in 1901.

This was the design selected for the president’s mansion.

External (foreign) Issues France and Britain were at war and France looted (stole from) American ships to keep them from trading with Britain. Some Federalists wanted Adams to declare war on France, but Adams wanted to talk to the French to restore calm. He sent three diplomats to France to talk to the French minister of foreign affairs. Three French agents said the minister would meet with them if they paid him a bribe. The Americans refused, and this incident became known as the “XYZ Affair”.

This cartoon portrays France as a monster demanding a bribe from American officials who say, “Cease bawling, monster! We will not give you sixpence!”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afB5NJmER5M

The conflict with France made Adams and the Federalists popular with the public. Many Democratic-Republicans, however, were sympathetic to France and criticized Adams.

Adams was angered about the criticism he was receiving and blamed the Democratic-Republican newspapers and new immigrants who were French sympathizers.

To silence their critics, the Federalist Congress passed the Alien and Sedition Acts in 1798.

Internal (national) Issues

Alien and Sedition ActsAliens (non-citizens)

Sedition (encouraging rebellion)

- Immigrants would have to wait longer to become citizens-Troublemakers would be deported-Speaking against the govt. would be a crime


Because of his actions, John Adams failed to win re-election in 1800. He was the first one-term president.
