Friday the 13th opening sequence analysis


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Firstly an establishing shot is used in this scene and presents the audience with a dark night sky, a typical convention or a horror genre.

To draw attention to the lake, the director pans to camera across it, and then carries on to a point of view shot to signify that the unknown villain is entering the camp house. To show an attraction between two of the camp workers during the song the director uses a reverse shot to create a mood of happiness as young love is blooming. Later on we

learn that the two lovers are the victims in this opening, as the camera angle switches back to a point of view shot and their is a

return of a satanic feel. As the female victim is stabbed by this villain, the camera zooms into a close up of her face to show the fear and

horror she presents on her face.The audience are given more time to distraught the look on the young females face as slow motion is used in the editing technique whilst the

female is being murdered.


From the very beginning of this opening scene we the audience can hear the sound of a bird croaking harshly throughout the first establishing

shot. This contrasts with the next moment in the scene when the happy and cheerful campers are singing. This use of sound is clearly used to create a difference between safety and danger, the brightly lit camp house is a safe place whereas the dark outside isn't. A mixture of the croaking bird and the campers singing can be heard when the villain enters the camp house, this creates a more of a sinister effect on the campers singing. The door creaks as the villain enters and the non-diegetic sound shock music of a piano is used to build tension and

suspense as the camera explores the room from a point of view shot. When the villain locates his victims, high pitched non-diegetic sound is used before he approaches the young male to show that the villain is about commit a murder. After the young male character is violently

murdered, his female lover begins to scream which is a typical convention of the horror genre.