Foreign oil dependency


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The Problem and How to Fix It

By: Nikko Cabrera

Foreign Oil Dependency

One would only need to look back to the 1973 Arab oil boycott to see the first signs of oil trouble for America. OAPEC (Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries) stated that they refused to export oil to the U.S. because of their decision to send supplies to the Israeli military. This severely impacted the American economy, and should have sparked an interest in domestically producing energy with viable renewable means.

America’s Troubled Oil History

Overconsumption of Oil Also Raises Issues

Americans consume absurd amounts of oil, and domestic production does not even come close to meeting those needs.

This means we need to import extreme quantities of oil from other countries.

And people wonder why there is an oil crisis…

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1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000










Oil consumption is actually currently around 7 billion barrels annually for the United States.

Alternative fuels and energy provide a great way of reducing foreign oil needs.

Industrial manufacturing plants, which use a majority of the oil in America, could switch to solar and wind for energy needs, while cars can be run on hydrogen, propane, and fuels from plants such as algae.

Many of these alternatives are available today; they merely need to be made more accessible, and people need to be more accepting of these beneficial changes.

The Solutions - Part 1: Alternatives

Nothing plagues great ideas like inaction. Amazing solutions to our problems are ignored because they inconvenience people.

Things such as eating right and electric vehicles are prime examples.

People are complacent with the way things are, even if that way is going to end up harming them n the long run.

The Solutions – Part 2: What You The Viewer Can Do At Home

Check tire pressure.Purchase better vehicles.Turn things off when they don’t need to be

on.Arizona especially: solar panels.Demand reform in government because the

current way of handling things is obviously not working.

The Solutions – Part 2: What You The Viewer Can Do At Home

The key is initiative. Being willing to change and be part of a movement beneficial in the long term is what is necessary for our current system to continue.

Do what you can do to change our bleak outlook, it is your future that depends on it.

To Wrap It All Up….

The End!

Or rather, hopefully, just the beginning…
