Food policy summit and how to support bills you like (or oppose ones you don't)



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HFUU 2014 Legislative Food Policy Forum (1/7/14)

Governor Abercrombie joined us

Scott Enright (Director HDOA)

Maria Gallo (Dean of the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources- CTAHR)

Senate Agriculture ChairmanClarence Nishihara

House Agriculture ChairladyJessica Wooley

One of the best pieces of information to come out or the

Panel discussion was this: Korean Naturally Farmed

Papaya with the Ringspot Virus produces just fine. So maybe we

can do without GMO papaya after all, according to the


Some of the other panelists were:

• Mike Duponte (CTAHR: Hawaii Island Agricultural Extension Agent)

• Jeri Kahana (HDOA :Quality Assurance Division Administrator – Food Safety)

• Peter Oshiro (DOH :Environmental Health Program Manager Sanitation/Food and Drug/Vector Control)

We discussed these bills that now need your support:

• Good Agricultural Practices• HB 1989• SB 2565

• On Farm Mentoring

• HB 1989 + HB 1536• SB 2037 + SB 2563• Please read the bills and email testimony in


How can you support our Legislative Package this session?

• Please go to

• Enter bill number in the

“Bill status/measure status” box

Then click “Go”

Read the bill by clicking on the .Pdf on the upper left portion of the


• Then click on “Submit testimony”, the big blue button on the upper right of the screen

Important ~!~

• Unless you represent an organization, you must testify as an individual. Just because you belong to an organization, does not mean you speak for it. So members should testify as an individual if the are not on the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee. Usually only the President or a Committee Chairman can speak for HFUU.

The End of the Beginning, And the beginning of a new

Era in the life of HFUU; Educating our leaders As to that which we value
