Finland workshop



Digital Medias in form theatre

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Warm up exercise

Using digital medias in Forum Theatre

30.9 2011

Short presentation

Jacob Knudsen• Degrees in History and theatre• Interested in digital medias

Todays programme

• An introduction on how to use digital medias in Forum Theatre - following these phases:

- Pre-phase - Forum theatre day - Post-phase

• …and you trying it out for yourself

Why use digital medias with Forumtheatre?


Why use digital medias with Forumtheatre?

• It can be a way of working with the subjects for a longer period.

• Many young people use theme and thinks it’s fun.

• They might feel, that for once they have the special skills needed in a project.

• It can make it easier for those, who don’t like acting on a stage. They can instead make comments through text, audio or video

But what about the legal challenges?

• Don’t go online.• Use tools that is controlled by the teacher or

the young person that made the video.• Take time to discuss “good behavior on the

internet”.• Integrate Routines where you delete

problematic material.

Two import things

• Choice only the things you feel you can use. It doesn’t have to be the entire package. Start with one exercise and get some experience with that. If it works, then you can bring in more.

• Take time to discuss it with the young people, don’t force anyone and make sure you have all the necessary permissions.

Are you using any of these?

Digital pre-activities

Overall remarks about the Pre-phase

• The joker will decide on which level of digital involvement would be useful to have with the specific target group. The choice should reflect the digital media skills of the group.

• Introducing digital tools in forum theatre does not mean investing in fancy equipment. Use the tools that are already available.

• Part of the preparation is to set up the digital platform and introducing it to the group.

The easy ones

• Simply collect written notes (!)

• Send Text message

• Take pictures

Using a blog

Videorecord your dilemma

Try it out your self

Lets see the videos

Videorecording during the forum theatre day

A few basic rules

• Immediately before the play, check the equipment: Battery, tape/memory space, sound check, etc.

• Consider camera angles when setting up the equipment and the stage. It should be possible to see the stage and the faces of people and in a way that will not attract unnecessary attention.

• At the start of the event, explain how and why the videos will be used.

• Discuss and underscore the unacceptable use of the material afterwards.

Digital Post-activities

Before starting

• In cases where different recordings have been made, collect the material as soon as possible.

• Make sure that you have the editing rights to

the materials uploaded.

• Check the material to see if it needs to be edited or shortened.

In general about YouTube

Try it out your self

User: actvise@gmail.comPassword: actvise1397

Interviewing a character

Let’s try it

Editing of videos

User: actvise@gmail.comPassword: actvise1397

The End…
