FILM240 Social Media Flipbook


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What is Social Media? Social Media is online related technology that allow creating

and sharing of information, ideas, creativity ect. The most popular Social Media platforms in todays

society include Iinstagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat.

Don't Use it 30%

Use Social media 70%

70% of teenagers ages 12 – 17 use more than one social media platforms on a frequent basis (3)

Teens who are on social media for over 2 hours a day

show: • Poor self-related mental health

• Psychological distress • Suicidal ideation or unmet need for

mental health support (4)


One reason is...

All over social media there are pictures of models that have been

photo shopped or celebrities who it is their job to always look their best

100% of the time, creating an unrealistic standard that is impossible

to live up to (4)

Another reason is...

Cyberbullying due to being anonymous/feeling powerful behind a

screen and the easy access is also a strong issue relating to social media. The more someone posts the easier

and more available they are for criticism/cyberbullying (2)

Increased amounts of social media consumption which is deemed “normal”

has the potential to have negative psychological impacts especially when

used for self-affirmation and monitoring of others (5)

Per week adults ages 18-24 spend over 47 hours online and over 5 hours purely on

social media (2)

That’s almost 2/7 days in a week spent online!

Social media has taken the joy of living life in the moment…

And made a constant need to live through a screen

Social media has become the new way to communicate taking the

place of face-to-face communication, making it so

that you dint even have to leave your bedroom to have the

appearance if a social life (6)

“Linked in is for the people you know… Facebook is for

the people you use to know… Twitter is for the

people you want to know… Instagram is for everyone.”


Social media creates a world that is easy to get drawn into. It’s the only place you can be connected yet be

fully disconnected at the same time...

Where the number of "followers"

you have or "friends" means nothing(1)

ALTHOUGH social media is easy to get negatively caught up in we must also address

some positive aspects of it as well



Do not


72% of all teens spend time with friends via social media allowing connections between friends to flourish

even when distance is a factor (3)

57% of teens have met a new friend online (3)


Made new friends


64% of those teens who have met a friend online met through a social media platform (3)


Online friends


68% of teens who have online friends say they have helped them through challenging times (3)


Helped online


Overall social media can have positive benefits if

used correctly. It is important to insure that overuse of social media

does not occur (6)

Work Cited(1) Baer, Jay. 2015. “ Social Media, Pretend Friends, and the lies of false intimacy.”, Retrieved March 4th 2017,


(2) Krashinsky, Suzan. May 11th 2015. “Advertisers cash in on attention spans of digittaly savvy

Canadians.” The Globe and Mail.

(3) Lenheart, Amanda. 2015. “Teens, Technology, and Friendships.”, Retrieved

March 4th 2017,

(4) Payne, Elizabeth. August 8th, 2015. “Teen’s poor health linked to social media use.” Ottawa

Citizen: A1.

(5) Schacter, Hannah. September 7th 2015. “Me, Myselfie, and I: The psychological impact of social

media activity” Psychology in Action. Retrieved March 4th, 2017,


(6) Whiting, Anita., and David Williams. 2013. “Why people use social media: A use and

Gratifications Approach.” Qualitative Market research: An International Journal, 16(4): 362:


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