Favors and Medical Problems



Mattayom 2 Thai Students ( 2nd Year High School)

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When you want to ask someone politely for help or a favor, you can use this


Requests and Favors

Will you ( please) + base form?Will you please help me?

Would you (please) +base form?Would you please help me?

Could you (please) +base form?Could you please help me?

Would you (please) +base form?Would you please help me?

Would you mind + base form+ -ingWould mind helping me?

Ways to say Yes.I’ll be happy to.I would be glad to or I’d be glad to.It’s no trouble at all.Sure.Of course.I wouldn’t mind at all ( response to would you mind)

Ways to refuse or say No politely.I’m really sorry, but I can’t because…..I’d like to, but……I can’t do it right now. I’m in a hurry, but I’ll be glad to do it later.

Examples:* Bill talking to one of his co-workers.Bill: Are you going out for lunch now?Coworker: Yes, I amBill: Would you please bring me a chicken salad sandwich?Coworker: I’ll be glad to.

How to Describe Medical Problems

She has a cold.

She has a sore throat

He has a cough.

She has a fever.

She has a broken leg

She has a stomachache

He has an earache

He has a swollen foot

She has a headache