Fat boy swim lesson 1 unrelated incidents


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  • 1.Miss Kristian English Fill in the front of your exercise book. On page one, copy below: Learning objectives To be aware of Miss Kristians expectations. To know what is meant by accent. To recognise phonetically spelt words.

2. My expectations: When someone is speaking, no body else should be. We will respect and listen to each others opinions. We will try our best in every lesson. We will follow all instructions. 3. In pairs what do you think are the three most important classroom rules? Write a list in your jotters! Now, join another pair and together make a list of three. Nominate a spokesperson. What do you think? 4. Your expectations: Now glue in your KS3 expectations sheet. Learning objectives To be aware of Miss Kristians expectations. To know what is meant by accent. To recognise phonetically spelt words. 5. How many accents can you count? 6. Read Unrelated Incidents aloud to your partner. What do you notice? Did you sound like you were from Derby? Where did you sound like you came from? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DblPvZgFVUs 7. True or False? 1. The poem is written from the point of view of a BBC news reader. 2. The poem is written in a foreign language. 3. The poet does not like hearing the news read in a BBC accent. 4. The poem is written to sound like a Birmingham accent. 5. The poem says that people would not believe the news if it was not read in a BBC accent. Learning objectives To be aware of Mrs Kristians expectations. To know what is meant by accent. To recognise phonetically spelt words. 8. What do you think phonetic spelling is? THINK on your own. PAIR join up with someone else and share ideas. SHARE now share with me! Phonetic spelling is when words are written down the way that they are pronounced, rather than the correct way of spelling. Lets start a glossary at the back of our exercise books 9. Task: Translate the poem into standard English in your book. this is thi This is the six a clock six oclock news thi news the man said n man said and thi reason a talk wia BBC accent iz coz yi widny wahnt mi ti talk aboot thi 10. Your go! In pairs, think of a famous person with a strong regional accent. Can you phonetically create an interview between them and a Derby based interviewer? E.g. Interviewer: Ey up. How ar ya? Cheryl Cole: Alreet pet? Ahm doin alreet ta! Learning objectives To be aware of Mrs Kristians expectations. To know what is meant by accent. To recognise phonetically spelt words. 11. We are going to read a novel With your partner, can you think of a reason why we have looked at this poem today? 12. Homework: Cover your exercise book with sticky back plastic, please.
