Facebook for Teachers




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Facebook for Faculty

Lines between a teacher’s private and public life are blurred.

Added responsibility being a public figure.

Extra-curricular life of teachers can have professional consequences.

A Teacher’s Personal Life …

Headline United Kingdom:Disgrace of six drinking, pole-dancing primary school teachers who published the pictures on Facebook

Parent found the photos through one of the teacher’s profiles that did not have privacy settings engaged. The parent printed five pictures and shared the with parents.

Photo Source: http://mstknews.blogspot.com/2011/05/disgrace-of-six-drinking-pole-dancing.html

Georgia teacher, Ashley Payne loses her job for vacation photo posted on Facebook

Did the Internet Kill Privacy? CBS News Report

Photo Source: http://www.cbsnews.com/2100-3445_162-7323148.html

High school teacher fired for Facebook comments

Said she was just blowing off steam

ABC News Report

Photo Source: http://momentsofawareness.blogspot.com/2010/08/facebook-firing-teacher-loses-job-after.html

Judge rules Patterson, NJ teacher can be fired for Facebook comments

‘students are future criminals’ – posted to 333 friends, someone forwarded to parents

New Jersey Newsroom

Stay up to date with safety and privacy settings.

Consider who your ‘Friends’ are. Utilize custom settings to create

private ‘Friends’ lists. Don’t post during work hours. Be responsible digital citizens.

Five Best Practices

Privacy Settings

Remember, the people you share with can always share your information with others, including apps.

Custom Settings

Posts & Tags of Others


Students Students (under age 13) Former students Parents

To Friend or Not to Friend

Keep personal or school-related information out of posts and your profile.

Regardless of privacy settings, assume that all of the information you have shared on your social network is public information.

Don’t blindly like or repost a link without looking carefully at the content first.

Things to Remember
