Explanation about salt by naviati asrita putri




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Explanation About Salt


- What is salt ?- The unique fact of salt - The function of salt- Conclusion

What is salt ?

So far, we know that salt is one of the ingredients used for cooking. Average of all people knew only limited about salt.

However, do you know? other than as a cooking spice, salt is also has a unique function.

The unique fact about salt

Long time ago, the people of china

collect taxes from its

citizens by using

salt, and the soldiers

were receiving the

salary from salt too.

The Romans also use

salt as a medium of

exchange sale and

purchase of goods.

Long time ago of ancient

Egypt until now, people

are Egyptians used

salt to preserve human

bodies that have died

and some of them

belonging to nobles

will be stored iniside

the pyramid.

The unique function of salt

Salt is a coarse granules are odorless. It

can keep our body’s cells working properly as it

flows in the blood and it can also clean up the

blood vessels so that red blood cells can carry

oxygen properly and help us to digest the food.

- Salt can make foods more durable

1. Cheese

It made from salt

that add to the mixture

of milk and cream.

2. Ham and bacon

It is meat that

preserved with salt.

3. Salted fish

This is an indonesian

traditional food from fish

that preserved with salt.

4. Kimchi

This is a korean traditional

food made from cabbage that

preserved with salt.

- Salt can used to make some material,

such as :

1. Insectisides 2. Soap

3. Glass

5. Some kinds of cloth, paper, and fertilizer

4. Books

Various function of salt

- Eliminate the odor

in the shoe, by sprinkling

salt on the smelly shoes.

- Cleaning cloth fromblood stains, soak the

clothing in a way that theblood stains with salt.

- If you sore throat,gargle with salt and yourvoice will come backto normal.

- If it is winter or snow, rinse with salt water

washing your clothes inoder not to freeze at

the time of drying.


We can conclude that although salt is trivial

thing, it turns out badly needed salt and

beneficial for our body to manufacture a product.

However, we also should not consume salt in

excess because it can cause high blood

diseases. So, keep yor salt levels in your body to

stay work balanced in accordance with its


Thank you for wathing.….

Good bye…..

By : Navyati Asrita Putri

Class : XII IPA 2