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A Call to Action: Regulate Use of Cell Phones on the Road

Introduction: Regulation is needed because drivers using phones are seriously impaired

and because laws on negligent and reckless driving are not sufficient to punish offenders.

I. Necessity for bills to be passed

A. How long have the bills been around?

B. What good will come of the bills passing

II. Traffic Deaths and Injuries

A. Statistics on traffic deaths and cell phone users

1. After 1999

2. Over the past year

B. How cell phones have progressed

C. Severity of traffic deaths over the past decade

III. The 1998 Oklahoma Study

A. Fatal accidents

1. severity

2. statistics by state compared to Oklahoma

B. Ninefold increase in risk if phone is found in vehicle

IV. Variance on State Laws

A. States with strict laws on phone use

B. Decrease in number of accidents in restricted states

C. Sentences of cell phone users

Conclusion: Stricter laws need to be imposed within specific states in order to reduce the

number of cell phone related accidents.
