Exam revision multiple choice – advanced water cycle


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Exam Revision Multiple Choice –Advanced Water Cycle

Which of these are not Transpiration?

A) A process similar to evaporation

B) Loss of water as vapour from plants

C) The process where water contained in liquid form in plants is converted to vapour and released to the atmosphere

D) Water that recedes from the headlands

Which of these do not relate to the water table?

A) The level that water will naturally sit at

B) A level below which the earth is entirely saturated

C) The way that water will spread across an area

D) A level that can rise or fall based on rainfall

Condensation is…

A) Water that collects into piles or drops

B) The process of making milk into a delicious canned confection

C) Water that forms around the equator

D) The change of the physical state of matter from gaseous phase into liquid phase

Run off…

A) Is what robbers do after they commit a crime

B) Is water that hits the ground

C) Is water that hits the ground but does not stay there

D) Is water that lands in rivers or streams

Groundwater is…

A) All water that falls on the ground

B) A mixture of water and dirt

C) Water that hits trees or plants

D) Water that hits the ground and is absorbed

A bore is…

A) A well or hole used to get water

B) A drilling device that draws water up

C) A type of person who is in charge of the procurement of water through divining

D) A dull person

Surface water is….

A) Water that lands on the surface of the earth

B) Water that lands on water, on the surface of water

C) I don’t know, video.

D) Water flowing from the poles to the equator

What does precipitation come down as?

A) Mist and ice blocks

B) Rivers and streams

C) Snow and rain

D) Hail and snow

What is the water cycle?

A) The way that water is circulated through a washing machine

B) A type of bicycle that works under water

C) The way that nature ruins nuclear waste

D) The way that nature cleans and circulates water

Artesian Water is….

A) Water that is made by an artesian screw

B) Water that is near the Artesian basin

C) Water that is under constant pressure with a high evaporation rate

D) Water held under ground by non-porous rocks at high pressure

In the water cycle what comes first?

A) Eviction

B) Precipitation

C) Evaporation

D) Condensation

When water hits the ground it either becomes…

A) Rain, snow or hail

B) Porous, non-porous or artesian

C) Seepage water, lake water or pour on

D) Groundwater, surface water or run-off

Which of these are not precipitation?

A) A snowy day, where the mountains are covered

B) A drought day, where rainfall is very minimal

C) A hailing day, where cars roofs are damaged

D) A deluge day, when 8 inches of rain falls

How many sequences are there in the hydrological cycle?

A) 1

B) 5

C) 8

D) 6

A never ending movement of water from sea sky to land is called?

A) Ground water

B) Water table

C) Water cycle

D) Artesian water

What does the water molecules form into?

A) Clouds

B) Tears

C) Cakes

D) Tea

After precipitation where does the water go?

A) Lakes

B) The ocean

C) Into the ground

D) All of the above

Water droplets become bigger and form into rain or snow, what is this

A) Precipitation

B) Run-off

C) Water table

D) Aquifer

Evaporation is….

A) Water rising as snow

B) Water falling as rain

C) Water rising as vapour

D) Water that collects on rooftops

The role of plants in the hydrological cycle is…

A) Minimal, but important for the earth

B) Reasonably important, they purify water and help to regulate the cycle

C) The most important part, causing new creation of nutrients

D) Somewhat important, depending on the weather conditions on that day or time period

Which of these have the most negative affect on the water cycle?

A) Fertiliser run off

B) Faecal contamination

C) Pollution

D) Food waste