Evolution of advertisement


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The image used for the advertisement represents the broken relationship between the main character and his girlfriend. The teddy had been hung from a branch tree. This teddy is shown in the video as a prop which the female throws at the man. This can be represented as the bond between the two. This image is also the same on as the one on the front cover of the digipak, this gives a link between the two and allows the fans to recognise the album when they see it in the shop. The black banners at the top and bottom of the advert gives definition of what the details of the album is such as the release date and band information. The use of the black allows these details to stand out against the busy background that goes on around it. This also helps to simplify the information so that it’s easier to pick out amongst the rest of the information.On the advert we have also included a few songs which are on the album. This gives a little insight into what is included within the digipak. These have been centralised so that they are part of the main focus of the advert. This also why they are not on the black banners, so that they are distinguished from the rest of the words.The band logo has also been used twice in the bottom banner. We used this so that there wouldn’t be the black spacing. This also demonstrates the bands logo to the audience, putting it twice also shows symmetry which is nice to look at.

Final Version

Version 1 This is the first version that we have come up with. This would serve as the base of

what we are going to have for the other future versions. The first version is what we have originally designed and pictured. Our other designs are heavily influenced by this one.

The background picture is the same as what the digipak had used. This shows how the two are linked. The fans of the band would be looking to have some sort of recognition between the two products.

The text in the middle shows what we considered to be less important information. We put it there because we wanted the more important information to be found, the audience would have to look at the whole advertisement and all the information on it.

The bands logo is on the advertisement so we can see what the advert is for. The use of it being at the bottom is for the effect that it is the last thing that you will lay your eyes on.

Version 2 On this version of the advert we decided to make the writing easier to read.

We did this y swapping the band name and the release date. The date at the top was clashing with the sky and was fairly hard to read.

The black bar at the bottom was used so that the writing was clearer to read. From our advert research we have also discovered that many people use the black bar so that the picture is square just like the digipak front cover.

On the bottom we have also repeated the logo for the symmetry, this also allowed us to fill up some space between the edges of the date

The band title is now above the album title, we decided to do this because it was the idea that the album title should be with the information about the album, however we decided when reviewing this version that it looked too crowded around the middle of the advert.

The background and the main body of the text have stayed the same as we are mainly focusing on the top and bottom of the advert this time around.

Version 3

The main focus of this version of the advert was, once again, the top and bottom of it. Now with the added black bar this gives off the appearance of symmetry, making it more appeasing to the eye.

We have also made changes in the positioning of the text. With the date and band reverting back to the original design. We chose to do this because we felt that it looked best to have the bolder text at the bottom rather than the top

The main body text has also been moved up so that it doesn’t block the picture. This had been used ot see the full image which has been used
