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  • 1. Name: Keanan Denis Edward Brian Hill Candidate Number: 2483 Centre: 33435 Aquinas College AS Media Studies OCR G321: Foundation Portfolio Brief from OCR syllabus

2. Who would be the audience for your media product? My Magazine is aimed at: 16-30 Years olds Who are both Men and Women Who go to Gigs Who are influenced by: Itunes, Twitter, Spotify and NME mag Who are well educated Who spend money on: Clothes, CDs, Vinyls and Smart Tech Who like to shop at: Pretty Green, Fred Perry, Ralph Lauren, HMV, H&M and Addidas Who know what music they like: The Smiths, The Strokes, Oasis, Beady eye... 3. Who would be the audience for your media product?Example Of NME (similar audience) As you can see from the Older slide previousbands my product appeal would be to an primarily aimed at older audience both men and women aged 16- 30 years. This is because I believe that both genders enjoy indie music, of which Appeals to my product is based on. I both genders believe it can be enjoyed by older audiences because my product includes music not specifically from today but from older generations as well.Primary Audience 4. Who would be the audience for your media product? I understand that I am taking a risk by mainly portraying a male representation in my magazine. As this may alienate the female part of my audience. However I am willing to take this risk as I think a male representation will draw the females in mainly due to it being the type of music they are into as well but also because of the looks. Women of my target audience generally tend to be attracted to the types of bands I want to use in my mag, so hopefully this risk will pay off. 5. Pie Chart analysisWhatWhat is favourite Clothes shop? is your your favourite Clothes shop?Who would be the audience for your What genre of music During the course of creating my product I do you listen to? created a questionnaire to see what my target media product? audience was like and to find out what they 1 1wanted to see in a mag. I converted My secondary audience the answers often do you go to concerts/gigs How into pie per month? would charts. be people who be males and women who fit under the sub-community As You can see here the of either Mods or Casuals.efforts of these combined three shops This is because the clothesmatches that of Top Shop, but spread of modern indie icons likeshops Modsout. What is your favourite Clothes shop? These are and to Alex Turner and Pete Casuals tendwasshop at and there fore it only As you can natural I came the Doherty appeal to them.thatthat theytowere conclusion see indie my Fred For example they wearsecondary audience. music was the Perry and Pretty Green Also second see What genre of music do you listen to? thehighest of musichere isthe sort As you canliketop oasis majority scoring type shop, this is the and the jam that may of music feature the typical choice of my as appeals to them people primary audience. well. to listened 3 31 13011Top Shop/Man Top Indie Shop/Man25Adidas and B R Adidas2221 131 10fred Perry Perry fred Dance Primark Primark PoPPretty Green Green Pretty Other NextNextOther0 0Top Shop/ManOtherAdidasfred Perry1 1132Primark0114Pretty Green 10IndieR and B DancePoPOther4 4135210 6. Who would be the audience for your media product? The Demographic of my audience would be working to middle class people who like to wear expensive clothes and music. They are individual people who would shop at Pretty Green, Fred Perry and Top Shop.... 7. Who would be the audience for your media product? Examples of product that would be similar to mine would be NME and Q magazine. They Share similar audiences and also promote the same audience idols as I want my product to promote. 8. Who would be the audience for your media product? Within in my research I looked at what type of stars fans of my genre are into. There are such stars as: Alex Turner Miles Kane Pete Doherty Morrissey These are all people who have created hits in the indie/rock music scene. But also these are people who take pride in their fashion. Pete and Alex in particular wear Fred Perry, a brand of which cropped up in my questionnaire. On the contrary I would not include artists like Beyonce and Katy Perry, because although they may appeal to the male audience for their looks, they wouldnt appeal to my audience for their music. Jokes aside they wouldnt appeal to my male and female audience because they are not their idols unlike the stars above. 9. Who would be the audience for your media product? The ideal reader for my product would be people who: like indie/rock music both old and new Like to look good and wear brands And aspire to be in bands themselves 10. How does your media product represent particular social groups? Mode of address: My product uses approachable but intellectual language. It creates a opening to draw the younger side of my audience in whilst also keeping the older side entertained. Cover Star: The cover stars I used represent social groups in the stance they are in and by the clothes of which they are wearing. 11. How does your media product represent particular social groups? Cover starComparison Paisley Design Brands (Fred Perry)Stance MusicSocial Groups 12. How does your media product represent particular social groups? So as you can see from the previous slide. I have included things that I thought that are popular with my target audience, for example the fashion. I kept out things that are not associated with my genre like things associated with pop music. 13. How does your media product represent particular social groups? Costume: Sams colourful shirt, represents his colourful life as a rock star. This appeals to my audience as this is a life most would want to lead. Maxs Fred Perry relates to my younger audience because Fred Perry can represent rebellion and violence. This embodies the rebellious teenage phase most teenagers go through. These are both casual outfits. Things thatd be worn commonly. This is the type of outfit most seen by the audience and gives them the familiar feel and a feel that they can achieve their status by wearing their clothes. 14. How does your media product represent particular social groups? In all my photography of my cover star I tried to make sure they wore clothes associated with the scene of indie/rock, (like the Fred Perry jacket and the leather jacket). I also I made them have there backs straight to show confidence. I also tried to include some of their musical background like Maxs drum sticks. 15. What kind of media institution might distribute your product? I would choose IPC Media to distribute my product. IPC Media also distribute NME magazine. My product would be a sister publication to NME. I decided this because I figured that my audience is tad more niche than NMEs but still targets the same groups of people. 16. What kind of media institution might distribute your product? I will advertise for my magazine in many places. For example my website. It will look abit like this. 17. What kind of media institution might distribute your product? There will also be adds in NME Magazine and NMEs website. 18. What kind of media institution might distribute your product? In addition to this I hope to sell merchandise with my products logo on it for example: Mugs T-Shirts Phone cases Posters Headphones Socks 19. What kind of media institution might distribute your product? I will also incorporate my product into an app. This will include the latest news on music and the idols my audience want to see. 20. What kind of media institution might distribute your product? We also want to get a stage at Reading and Leeds festival. This is a wide spread attraction that my audience are attracted to and therefore will give widespread attention to my product. 21. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? Front cover My Front cover includes a little header at the top that houses some more features. This follows convention as evident by the examples of NME and Q which also employ this feature. My cover also makes use of the convention of having a large title. In having a large title, is perhaps a development because the larger it is the more eye grabbing. But the largeness is also employed by Q magazine. NMEs title is medium sized.All magazines employ the convention of having the cover star being the largest thing on the page. I have done this and so has NME and Q.I used a button on my front cover, this houses a feature that is within my magazine. This is a common convention as evident with NMEs cover. 22. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? Contents PageThe arrow button develops the convention of having a button because it leads the reader in, by having the feature that interests the reader and by the arrow pointing to the next page. NME has used the arrow convention many times in the pastAnother thing I used in my contents was page numbers and pictures associated with the feature. This is common practise in contents pages, as evident with NME and Q magazine.NMEI used neat uniform colums to set out my features with sub titles. This is a common feature but developed by my addition of the on the cover dot telling the reader what was on the cover. 23. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?I introduced a band ndex into my contents page, this is a quick and easy way for the reader to find bands that are in the magazine. This has been used before and I have only seen it in NME magazine so I wouldnt say it is a convention of a contents pageI put some extra writing next to some features to give a quick taster, also I included and ditiors letter. This feature is included most magazines but isnt in all of them.I made a small bit of my content page say subscribe, to try and make more money with subscription fees. This is a common convention as evident with the example from NME magazine. 24. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? Double page spreadThe By-Line gives Pull quote information to breaks up the text and is bright the audience and colourful, it about the photographer draws the audience to the and editor, oftenly text, its is a used on common double page convention as spreads. evident from NMEAnother pull quote buut this time it is in cohesion with the main picture.Introduction to the article and also the title. Its bog bright and bold to draw the audience in. Also I expanded on this feature by highlighting The blocked capital indicates certain words the start of the article and associated with the also draws the audience to band. Common in NME the page. Common and Q convention with both music magazine and news prints. 25. How did you attract/address your audience? I chose to address the Indie audience, by using language such as mint and top. I also made reference to a popular song in y title to grab their attention. I tried to get into the minds of the reader and reflect this through text. I took the theme all throughout the magazine, starting with the cover star for my star I used a two males of 17 years old, because they wore expensive and indie clothing it helped to create a indie theme and attracts the correct audience, instantly it hints at more of the same kind of stars inside the magazine to come. Also on my cover I included feature bands such as The Rolling Stones, The Smiths, UMO and more...The fonts used within my front cover may be successful to attract the genre aimed at because it relates to the neat and uniform, but with a youthful and loud twinge, attracting the youthful and the educated.My magazine is similar to NME or Q Magazine due to style of music, bands used and dress and appearance. This being a indie magazine, I can compare the two, and get a rough idea of what I can do to improve my own workYoung and Loud 26. How did you attract/address your audience? Price and DateMastheadBar codeColour schemebuttonEye contactcanting Selling point AnchoringfeaturesColour scheme 27. How did you attract/address your audience? Gender; My magazine is aimed at both genders, I think that there will be a almost equal amount of males and female that pick this up. I think this because the cover stars are males appealing to women and also they are in a band my audience like therefore appealing to both genders. Also the colours are quite gender neutral despite maybe the blue and the font is plain but loud, therefore not appealing to just the one gender.Age; The cover star I used was purposely chosen to be roughly around the age of my target audience, so my audience can relateGenre; My cover star represents the genre I want my magazine to reflect by wearing fred perry and paisley and by holding drum sticks. 28. How did you attract/address your audience? My title is massive, again it draws attention. But also it takes its name from a song by BEADY EYE which again will draw my audience inThis is at the top of my mag and will be the first thing the audience see. It includes bands that my target audience are in to, therefore drawing them into looking further.The button is placed on the top third of the page with large font to draw the readers attention to it, stating an upcoming album by a popular artist Big and bold draws the audience n by being exclusive. 29. How did you attract/address your audience? Appeals to people who like to go to gigs.Competition, got to be in it to win itAppeals to Beady Eye fansAppeals to the audience due tot the thought of them getting a exclusive. 30. How did you attract/address your audience? In my colour schem I used mainly yellow, reds and blues. These colours, I thought, drew attention to out country (Red and Blue, Union Jack colours) and a bit of anarchy (Yellow and Red, colours of chaos). I thought these colours would appeal due to the British indie music scene and the whole subculture of casuals and MODs 31. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? Technologies I have used in the process of making my product have been Microsoft Publisher and Adobe Photoshop. 32. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? Publisher: I used publisher to make my product and piece it all together. I used this for mainly font work as well. For example 33. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? I achieved this with the following steps. 34. Step 1 Using the insert shape tool I created 3 jagged rectangles. 35. Step 2 Use shape outline to create a yellow outline for the black boxes 36. Step 3 Create three text boxes and use the IMPACT font and change the colour to red 37. Step 4 Finally position them using the mouse into the boxes. 38. Step 5 Move them into the position you want them in and look at how rad they look. 39. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? I used Photoshop to make my logo and also to remove backgrounds from images. 40. Step 1 Copy and paste your picture into Adobe Photoshop . 41. Step 2 Select the magic wand tool. 42. Step 3 Select the green around the subjects of the picture 43. Step 4 Delete the selected are using the DELETE key and continue to erase the green. 44. Step 5 Select the eraser tool and start to erase the things the magic wand tool could not. 45. Step 6 Use the subject in whatever way you like. 46. Looking back at your preliminary task (Aquinas College magazine), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression to the full product? 47. Large title Not direct mode of address (Sam is looking away)ButtonTaglineLarge cover star and feature title.Barcode Various FeaturesCompetitions 48. As you can see I carried on with the most common conventions when I came to making the official product. Like the large title, barcode and including various features. I kept these feature mostly the same. But one thing I did change was the format of the various features. On the previous one they didnt really stand out, being in blue and also being all the same font. However when I came to them on this one I made the title of the feature a bigger bolder font and a different colour drawing the audience straight to them. I also made the button stick out more by again using bolder colours and changing the sizes of things. Another thing I changed was the mode of address on the two cover stars. On the previous front cover Sams eye contact was facing away from the audience. But This time I had both Sam and Max looking to the audience. Also I thought it necessary to change the colour scheme because I felt the colour scheme on my practice cover was drab and boring, with the greys, the browns and the blue. So I decided to use bolder colours like Red, Yellow, Black and lighter Blue. Therefore grabbing more attention. 49. Title Date and Web address Page NumbersPictures associated with the featuresEditors Note Blocked Format CompetitionsColour Scheme 50. I Kept things mostly the same on my contents page despite a few additions and tweaks to the layout. For example I used a four picture grid, but without a grid, to make each individual picture stand out. Also I moved the table on contents to the other side to give maximum viewing effect. Also I added the yellow background to the Editors Note and the Main feature side note to make them stand out more and easier fr the readers to read them. A couple of features I added were the band index, the on the cover dot and the arrow button. The band index makes it super easy for the reader to find certain bands within the mag, and the on the cover dot allows the reader to find cover feature more easily. These are things of which I added so that reading the mag would be a piece of cake for the reader. The arrow button also helps draw the reader further into the mag. As with the front cover I changed the colour scheme to make it more exciting and more vibrant. 51. I saw from my research what I should include on my double page spread. So as you can see I took from this and applied most of the conventions into my own work. For example the title, the pull quote and the mast head. I also drew wisdom from my research with the positioning of my picture. As you can see they are almost identical in that the subject is to one side. I thought this was appropriate because it made them the main subject of the two pages. One thing I did change was the highlighting of words. Throughout the commentary I highlighted words specific to the feature. For example THE SMOKES. I also included a by line I tried to make it stand out more so that the photographer and author would get a nice little shout out. I used two pull quotes, the black one I used to draw attention to the page as it is big and bold. The red one was used to separate the text and draw attention to the writing. I also adapted the colour changes between people speaking iused two different colours, one for each person. This makes it even easier to differentiate