Evaluation question 6



Question 6 of media evaluation

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What have you learnt about technologies from the process of

constructing this product.

By Raychelle Shaw


• Throughout the production of my magazine I used different technologies and developed skills in Photoshop. I used Photoshop to create, edit and produce my magazine front cover. Whilst creating my magazine I used different tools to make the range of features that make up my magazine.

Horizontal Type Text Tool

Using the horizontal type text tool, I created a text box and wrote my cover lines onto the magazine.

I also wrote about the six-page of magazines, the tagline, the issue number, the date and the price information.

I then formatted the text, changed the font, the position and the colour to suit the style of my magazine.

Polygonal Lasso ToolAnother tool I used was the polygonal lasso tool, which I used to cut around detailed and small parts of my images.

The images that I used the polygonal tool on were to go on my Front cover, Contents page and Double Page spread.

The images that I used the polygonal tool on were to go on my Front cover, Contents page and Double Page spread.


I used this tool to up the contrast of my picture and makes the colours stand out more or less depending on what

I used this tool to up the saturation of my picture and makes the colour look better and more refined.

Shape Tool

I used the shape tool to create the rectangular banners at the top and bottom of my front cover.

I also used the line tool to create a black outline around the rectangle for my main cover line.

Another use for it was to create the green, diagonal rectangle that will be the back ground to my main cover line.

Pen Tool

• I used this tool to cut around one of the guitars, in a picture for my contents page, and move it closer to the other guitar.


• Throughout the production of my magazine I used the technologies available on Quark and developed skills in using Quark. I used Quark to create my contents page and my double page spread, using the different tools available in Quark to create an interesting magazine.

Text Content Tool• I used the text content tool to

create the text boxes that I wrote the contents of my magazine in, the interview on my double page spread and page numbers and captions, along with other text.

Picture Content Tool• I used the picture content

tool to put pictures onto my contents page and double page spread, this also gave me the option of picking the size of the picture and how they are positioned.

SLR Camera

• I used the SLR camera to take good quality pictures that would look good on my magazine pages.