Evaluation Question 2


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2.How does your media

product represent particular

social groups?

By Dean Hugh – Johnson

13 Prehay

How does my magazine represent age?

My magazine represents the ages of 16 – 40 and this fits in well for the age I set for my demographic because the content and the use of language mostly applies to my age that I have targeted my magazine to.

How does my magazine represent gender?

The gender is male and my magazine fits in the male gender because its mostly males that tend to listen to the Hip-Hop & UK Rap genre. In addition, the models that are on my front cover, contents & double page spread are all male. Also, the colours that are presented are manly colours such as black which mainly stands out to be a manly colour.

How does my magazine represent ethnicity?

My magazine fits with every ethnicity because Hip-Hop is a broad genre that is available worldwide and spread across the world & my magazine name “M.A.T.S” (Music Across The Scene) signifies that the music we present in the magazine for artist that are making an impact in the music game from what country that they are representing. Also, the fact that my models are from different ethnicities.

How does my magazine represent region?

My magazine represents different regions as it’s a worldwide magazine so it concludes that it applies to all. Also, the United Kingdom all includes England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland.

How does my magazine represent class?

My magazine represents every class because I wanted my magazine to be able to apply to at least everyone to it brings out a broader audience and for magazine to be able to relate to everyone in every working or living class. Also, the cost of the magazine will be assigned to what ever we feel is understandable for classes. In addition, we will have a subscription on our website that will have previews of the latest issue and we’ll let our audience pick how much that’d like to pay for it and it’ll be posted to their selected delivery option.

How does my magazine represent sexuality?

My magazine doesn’t really represent sexuality but my magazine doesn’t discriminate any sorts of sexuality because M.A.T.S thinks that everyone should be seen as being equal no matter your sexuality.

How do the models, layout design and language combine to represent a particular social group?

The models, layout design and language combine to represent a particular social group because the model’s clothing symbolises his character and the way a stereotypical Hip-Hop artist would dress. Also, the layout and language that is used in the DPS, Contents page and Front Cover is Hip-Hop styled and because of the colours used such as Black, Red & White. This all fits into the Hip-Hop social group because it ticks all the boxes needed to be in the Hip-Hop section for a typical social group.

Does the magazine reflect the representation of the intended audience or is it using stereotypes/stock


My magazine reflects and represents both because the look of the magazine and the way the models are dressed are stereotypical and directly into the Hip-Hop stereotype. But on the other hand my magazine was intended to reflect on its intended audience because of the artists names that are included on and within the magazine are names of big artists which automatically sets my magazine into the Hip-Hop genre.