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iGeneration Requires a Different Approach to Instruction

By: Eva 2-11-11

2nd period

Today’s students work with technology

Middle and high school students can’t live without cell phones and


Children born in the 1990s are known as the “iGeneration”

iGeners are growing up with portable technology

-Larry D. Rosen, psychology professor and author

“They are always connected to their mobile devices.”

They do not see technology as a tool.

Kids multitask online while…

…teachers ask them to task one at a time

Engagement is a key to connecting with today’s students.

“…kids are highly engaged…in their personal world.”

They are pleading ‘Engage me’.

Sitting and listening is foreign in their daily lives.

Teachers should encourage multitasking …both physical and

computer based…

Yet, not everyone agrees that it is healthy.

A study found that heavy media multitaskers performed…

Worse on a test of task-switching ability.

While people support technology and students…

…other people do not.

Which side do you choose?

Andy Petroski, a director of Learning Technology…

says he recommends group work.

Students are involved in social networking and…

…it should also be in the classroom.

Teachers should also use games as teaching tools.

What do you think?

Is technology a challenge for educators?
