ER&L 2013 CORAL User Group Meeting - Texas A&M Contributions



Texas A&M has been working on several new coral developments, including a new module. The following are screenshots showing the progress of that work.

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Texas A&M Coral Developments

• CORAL Users Group Meeting, ER&L 2013– Eric Hartnett,

• Texas A&M has been working on several new coral developments, including a new module. The following are screenshots showing the progress of that work.

CORAL Management Module

A new module in development by Texas A&M for documents such as procedures, policies, etc.

Homepage – Category Chosen

As with other modules, the management module includes the ability to edit users, their privileges and other customizable field values.

New Document Form

Document Screen

Document screen design based on licensing module.

Public Interface

An outward facing interface designed to expose resources within coral directly to the public.

Public Interface Advanced Search/Results

Public Interface – PHP Results

Search results can be retrieved for display independent of coral UI design.

Public Interface XML Results

Also included is a tool for retrieving search results in xml format. Results can then be incorporated into any other library webpage.

Library Mobile Site – Mobile Resources

Library Mobile Site – Mobile Apps

Data from within coral used to build list of databases with mobile app capability.

Library Website – Trial Databases

XML feed used to display data directly from CORAL within Texas A&M library website. This is an example of a Trial Databases page driven with data from CORAL.

Library Website – New Databases

New databases page, also built using data from coral resources module.

Licensing Module Add-Ons

Updates to the Licensing Module. Include a Calendar feature and a list of recently Updated licenses.

Calendar Feature

Shows a list of licenses nearing renewal periods.


Provides a history of latest changes to license and related resource records.
