Epoch powerpoint


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The first frame shows our groups production company logo. We choose to keep the ident fairly simple using just black and white colours, so there is a strong contrast therefore it will be eye catching and memorable for the audience which would make our logo recognised in the industry and with the genre of film we wanted to be associated with. The tree could be seen as sinister as it is dark whereas most trees are full of colour and life.

We placed this at the beginning of our opening sequence as we are following the conventions of other production companies of film openings.


The second frame is a close up shot of the main characters eyes closed, I chose this to show the contrast between this natural eye looking shot and the next frame which shows how much the drug has changed him.

Third frame is an extreme close up of the main characters eyes, they are open here and edited to look red. This is done to show the intense effect the drug has had on his mind and how its changed the way he views situations. We chose to use this high impact shot as we wanted the audience to focus only on the eyes and how they’ve changed.



Forth frame shows the Title of our film, I chose this screen grab as it is significant as it’s the audiences firstintroduction of the title. We choose a bold yet simple font to focus the shot on the word of Epoch as there is meaning behind it. This meaning behind this word relates to our genre of action thriller as it shows the film is about a dramatic turning point in someone's life.

ep·ochnoun: epoch; plural noun: epochsa period of time in history or a person's life, typically one marked by notable events or particular characteristics.


This frame shows the first set of titles included in the opening sequence I choose this as it shows the main character injecting the drug into his system which is a key part of the movie. There is an effect over this close up shot which makes the shot look fairly dark and disorientated this is to show what kind of effect he drug would have onThe main characters life.


This frame shows the main characters arm with scars, this also has an effect which causes the shot to look dark and disorientated. This is set in the bedroom after the foreshadowing of future events in the first minute of the opening sequence. This is to show the condition of his life before the drug.


This frame shows the first introduction of the government lady. This is significant as she shows him the drug and encourages him to take it. We used an over the shoulder shot here to remind the audience that this scene shows a meeting in-between two characters. The look of this shot differs from the others as it is in light and it is clear what is going on. This is to show the contrast of the organised government official and the main characters lives.


This frame shows the main character as he is in the process of running away from any government official. We chose this shot as the alley represents how he is running away from everyone and the walls are closing in on him. The dark figure in the background is there to remind the audience that no matter how hard he will try to escape what he has taken and done there will always be his memory and destruction right behind him.

The final frame I chose shows the extreme close up of main characters eyes over a shot of him signing the form agreeing to take the drug. This shows the importance of him signing away his sanity through agreeing to take the drug. The shot of his eyes in the background show how seriously the drug alter him, we chose red for his eyes to signify the danger he has got himself into
