Enhancing the Halo launch presentation



Presentation from the launch of Gareth Mogan's Enhancing the Halo project in Wellington

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  • 1. Making Wellington theNatural Capital: Cats,Rats and OtherPredators

2. Conservationnow amainstreamissue nolonger thepreserve ofthe treehuggers 3. Progress v Environment? 4. Its crazy and ambitious, but it mightbe worth a shot. 5. Tourism 6. The Pest Problem 7. Is this just pie-in-the-sky stuff? 8. We did itonCampbellIsland 9. Progress 10. Tackling the Gaps Cats Populated Areas Stewart Island Wellington 11. I dont want to shoot them! 12. We manage dogs, but not cats 13. Nature: TNR Doesnt Workcats are thesingle greatestsource ofanthropogenicmortality for USbirds andmammals" 14. Predator Free Stewart Island 15. Wildlife Hotspots 16. Bellbird 17. Bellbird 18. Robin 19. Robin 20. Saddleback 21. Saddleback 22. Become a Halo Household
