English - imperative and past simple




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Work Elaboreted by:

Rita Galrito nº3

Filipe Carrajola nº

Inês Pombo nº11

Madalena Bochechas nº18

Direct speech

• Affirmative

→ verb (infinitive without “to”)

• e.g.: Eat your soup!

• Negative

→ Don’t + verb (infinitive without “to”)

• e.g.: Don’t eat that candy!

Reported Speech

• Affirmative:

→ subject + told + object + verb (infinitive with “to”)

● e.g. He told him to eat his soup.

• Negative:

→ Subject + told + object + not + verb (infinitive with “to”)

• e.g. He told him not to eat his soup.

Attention!told + object – he told me to eat my


• Said + no object – he said to eat my soup.

• Said + to + object – he said to me.

Subject Object

I Me

You You

He Him

She Her

We Us

You You

They Them

• Use the imperative to give a direct order, to give instructions, to make an invitation, signs and notices, to give friendly informal advice and “more polite” by adding “do”

• e.g. Do be quiet!

Direct speech

• Affirmative:

• Subject +

+ ed → watch – watched• Regular verbs + d → care – cared

+ ied → study – studied

+ double consonant + ed →

stop – stopped


• Irregular verbs different form →

See – saw; be – was/were;

have - had

• Negative:

Subject + didn’t + verb (infinitive without “to”)

• Use the past simple for events in the past that are now finished, situation in the past and a series of actions in the past.

• Expressions: Yesterday, last (night), (two days) ago, the other day, just now, the day before yesterday

Reported speech

Direct speech Peter: “I lived in New York for 10 years.”

Reported speech Peter said he had lived in New York for 10 years.

Past Perfect

Exercises - Imperative • Now you have to read a sentence and

write with the same meaning.

example: “Listen carefully”, he said to us. He told us to listen carefully.

1. 1. “Eat more fruit and vegetables”, the doctor said.

The doctor said

2.2. “Read the instructions before you switch on the machine”, he said to me.

He told

to eat more fruit and vegetables.

me to read the instructions before he switched on the machine.

3. 3. “Shut the door but don’t lock it”, she said to us.

She told

4. 4. “Don’t come before 6 o’clock”, I said to him.

I told

us to shut the door but not to lock it.

him not to come before 6 o’clock.

Exercises – Past Simple

• Pass the direct speech for the reported speech

Example: “I drank water.” He said he had drunk water.

1.“1.“She came on time.”

They said

2.“2.“I saw you in the mall.”

She said that

she had come on time.

she had seen him in the mall.

3.3.Steve: “I visited my grandmother two days ago.”

Steve said that


4.4.She said: “I moved here in September.”

She said that

she had seen him in the mall.

she had moved there in September.
