English Grammar Test: Articles: the, a, an


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English Grammar: TestGramática Inglesa: Prueba

Definite and Indefinite Articles: The, a, an, Ø

a an

the Ø

Question (1/15)

Laura plays ____ piano in a night club every Saturday.

a an

the Ø

Laura plays the piano in a night club every Saturday.

Answer (1/15)


Laura toca el piano en un club nocturno todos los sábados.

a an

the Ø

Question (2/15)

Look out the window! What ____ amazing view!

a an

the Ø

Look out the window! What an amazing view!

Answer (2/15)


¡Mira por la ventana! ¡Qué vista tan maravillosa!.

a an

the Ø

Question (3/15)

My sister goes to ____ church on Sundays.

a an

the Ø

My sister goes to church on Sundays.

Answer (3/15)


Mi hermana va a la iglesia los domingos.

a an

the Ø

Question (4/15)

John goes to the gym twice ____ week.

a an

the Ø

John goes to the gym twice a week.

Answer (4/15)


John va al gimnasio dos veces por semana.

a an

the Ø

Question (5/15)

In my house, ____ dinner is served at 9:30 pm.

a an

the Ø

In my house, dinner is served at 9:30 pm.

Answer (5/15)


En mi casa la cena se sirve a las 9:30 pm.

a an

the Ø

Question (6/15)

Here is a list of ____ books I want to read this year.

a an

the Ø

Here is a list of the books I want to read this year.

Answer (6/15)


Aquí hay una lista de los libros que quiero leer este año.

a an

the Ø

Question (7/15)

Everybody knows that ____ whales are big animals.

a an

the Ø

Everybody knows that whales are big animals.

Answer (7/15)


Todo el mundo sabe que las ballenas son animales grandes.

a an

the Ø

Question (8/15)

In Argentina, ____ most boys are interested in playing football.

a an

the Ø

In Argentina, most boys are interested in playing football.

Answer (8/15)


En la Argentina, la mayoría de los chicos están interesados en jugar al fútbol.

a an

the Ø

Question (9/15)

My brother is ___ doctor.

a an

the Ø

My brother is a doctor.

Answer (9/15)


Mi hermano es (un) doctor.

a an

the Ø

Question (10/15)

Don’t you have ____ email address?

a an

the Ø

Don’t you have an email address?

Answer (10/15)


¿No tienes una dirección de email?

a an

the Ø

Question (11/15)

What’s the name of ___ girl sitting there?

a an

the Ø

What’s the name of the girl sitting there?

Answer (11/15)


¿Cuál es el nombre de la chica que está sentada allá?

a an

the Ø

Question (12/15)

I don't like ___ classical music very much.

a an

the Ø

I don't like classical music very much.

Answer (12/15)


No me gusta mucho la música clásica.

a an

the Ø

Question (13/15)

I really enjoyed ____ music of the movie we saw last night.

a an

the Ø

I really enjoyed the music of the movie we saw last night.

Answer (13/15)


Realmente disfruté de la música de la película que vimos anoche.

a an

the Ø

Question (14/15)

I don’t like to go to ____ bed too early.

a an

the Ø

I don’t like to go to bed too early.

Answer (14/15)


No me gusta irme a la cama demasiado temprano.

a an

the Ø

Question (15/15)

Our meeting is in ___ hour. Will you be there?

a an

the Ø

Our meeting is in an hour. Will you be there?

Answer (15/15)


Nuestra reunión es en una hora. ¿Estarás allí?.

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