End the Semester with a Bang



Your Web Plan & The Plan for Plan Hiring Help: Pro’s and Con’s What To Look When Hiring Help Contractors vs. Employees Management & Expectations

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End the Semester with a

Presented by Strella Social Media


The #Strella Team

Rachel Strella & Amanda Harrison

Today, we’ll discuss:

Your Web Plan & The Plan for Plan

Hiring Help: Pro’s and Con’s What To Look When Hiring Help

(Exercise: Personality Profiles) Contractors vs. Employees Management & Expectations


Your Web Plan & The Plan for the Plan

Share Your Web Plan

Plan for the Plan

The Pro’s & Con’s of Hiring Help


Different skills to enhance team Divvy-up workload Allows you to keep focus intact Fresh perspective/insight You’re the boss!


If someone doesn’t do the work, you’re responsible Need to train IC’s: Work own schedule, not yours (can be difficult to manage remotely) Employees: taxes, payroll, insurance costs

What to Look for

When Searching…

Consider what skills you need Know your management style Outline expectations Ask the right questions

When Searching…

Have another person attend the interview with you Consider personalities Hire for attitude If you’re not sure, don’t settle

When Searching…

Personalities play a big role in flow of work Important to understand your own personality traits so you can effectively hire others

D: Dominance

Direct Decisive Bottom-line orientated Strong-willed Action-taker Results-driven

I: Influence

Optimistic Outgoing Social Sharer Entertaining Energizing Enjoys working with others

S: Steadiness

Empathetic Cooperative Consistent/Predictable Team player Supportive Helpful Good listener Avoids change/conflict

C: Conscientiousness

Concerned Cautious Correct Detail/Quality-Focused Planner Accurate


Contractors vs. Employees


Independent team members Often work from home and use their own equipment Not tied to a set schedule or set of tasks


Work for you as a part of the team Often work in-house/in-office using office equipment Have a set schedule/hours and specific tasks

Contract help if you…

Have projects that require little direction Are looking for a specific skill set to assist with projects Seek temporary help/assistance or have work that will be inconsistent

Hire help if you…

Have steady work and can pay a regular salary Need and/or want team to work in-house Plan to expand your company


Have a written agreement for contractors (including a W9) May wish to hire a contractor who may eventually become an employee Work with an attorney to make sure you’re in compliance with federal and state labor laws

Management & Expectations

Management Styles






Leader makes all decisions unilaterally

Pro: can project an image of a confident, well managed business

Con: limits decision-making and freedom


Leaders allows the employees to take part in decision-making

Pro: communication is extensive in both directions

Con: decision-making process could be slowed down


Leader is dictatorial; however, takes into account the best interests of the employees as well as the business.

Pro: engenders loyalty

Con: lack of worker motivation


Leader's role is as a mentor and stimulator

Pro: brings out the best in highly professional and creative groups of employees

Con: can lack both focus and direction

Management Expectations

Establish a picture of what management is

Learn about and practice Total Quality Management

Management Expectations

Keep the conversation alive

Affirm what’s working

Invite honesty

Step into their shoes


Website and Blog: StrellaSocialMedia.com

Facebook: Facebook.com/StrellaSocialMedia

Twitter: Twitter.com/RachelStrella

LinkedIn: LinkedIn.com/in/RachelStrella

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