Enabling e-Learning: A Guided Tour




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An introduction to the online ‘hub’: What can it do for you?

Karen Melhuish &Jane Armstrong

What do you need?

What kinds of ICT-related resources do you usually use?

Where do you find them?

What’s your ICT focus for next term?

• Ministry of Education’s online ‘hub’ for ICT related resources and programmes

• Content and resources will support the e-Learning Planning Framework currently under development.

• The aim of the ‘hub’ is to be flexible, collaborative and responsive to the needs of educators.


“e-learning is learning and teaching that is facilitated by or supported through the appropriate use of information and communication technologies (ICTs).”

What is e-Learning?

e-Learning Planning Framework

a self-review tool for schools to gather evidence about practice

a 'road map' for building e-learning capability

a tool to evaluate the effectiveness of e-learning programmes

resources and services to support schools as they build capability.

Let’s look at the website!http://www.elearning.tki.org.nz/



Professional learning


Ministry initiatives

Sharing stories – contact us

Keep connected – newsletter

Can you find a resource to support next term’s focus?

Using the site…..

Enabling e-Learning Community



@enablelearning on Twitter

• What experience have you had with the Enabling e-Learning Community?

• Share one example of how it has been useful.

What’s in it for me?

• Connections to other professionals – a professional learning network (PLN)

• The potential to develop/share resources

• Share stories and reflections – in it together• Visible practice to support learning

• A national space for e-learning

Enabling e-Learning groups…

Six big ideas about the VLN...

• The VLN Groups space is a social network: 2613 teachers; 310 groups

• It’s free• Activity is focused on groups• Your profile/dashboard can be tailored by you for your use

• You can connect to e-learning/teaching professionals across the country

• Online virtual staffroom for your cluster/school


4…Set up profile: Your virtual professional page.

3…Connect (‘friend’) others ….you can browse others visible networks

2…Join: ICT PD, e-Learning groups (5), e-Portfolios…you will automatically receive notifications of activity

1….Make a comment or ask a question in a discussion

Make your own takeaway

One part of the website you’ll explore further.

One activity within the community, inc. social media that you’ll do.

Enabling e-Learning websiteJane Armstrong - Online content editorEmail: jane.armstrong@core-ed.org

Enabling e-Learning Community in VLNKaren Melhuish - e-Learning consultantEmail: karen.melhuish@core-ed.org