Elements of a Story PPT


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Elements of a Story

Starter• In small groups students must act, mime or

present a famous scene from a movie or story. If the other students are able to guess the movie or the story, then they score the points.

Elements of a Story:• Setting – The time and place a story takes place.

• Characters – the people, animals or creatures in a story.

• Plot – the series of events that make up a story.

• Conflict – a problem or struggle between two people, things or ideas.

• Climax – the exciting part


SettingDetails can describe:

Time of dayTime of yearTime in HistorySceneryWeatherLocation

• The setting describes where an when the story takes place.

• It helps build background and create images in the mind.

• It helps set the tone or mood of the story.

Using the Five Senses• A good setting helps

the reader visualize the places in the story.

• A good author includes descriptions of the setting using the five senses…


Take a Look…Which is better?

The castle was beside the water.

The waves crashed loudly against the shoreline. The fog lifted lightly and the medieval castle came into view. It was a beautiful site! The fog brushed my

face and I could smell the smoke from the fire in the distance and taste the sea salt on my lips.


Your Turn…

• On the next slide, there is a picture of a setting. • In your own words, write a detailed description of the

setting in your picture. Include many adjectives and don’t forget to include descriptions for each of the five senses: see, hear, feel, smell, taste

• Extension: Draw your own setting and then write about it.


Every story needs Characters…

People Animals Or Creatures

The protagonist is the “good guy”

The antagonist is the “bad guy” or force

Chara c t er i z a t i o nCharacterization is the way in which an author shows the personality of a character

Characterization is a technique writers use to make characters “come to life.”

Chara c t er Tra i t sChara cter Tra i t s a re d e s cr i p t i v e a d jec t i v e s tha t te l l u s spe c i f i c

q u a l i t i e s o f a chara cter

•Honest •Light-hearted •Leader •Expert •Brave •Conceited •Mischievous •Demanding •Thoughtful •Keen •Happy •Disagreeable •Simple •Fancy •Plain

•Excited •Studious •Inventive •Creative •Thrilling •Independent •Intelligent •Compassionate •Gentle •Proud •Wild •Messy •Neat •Joyful •Strong

•Bright •Courageous •Serious •Funny •Humorous •Sad •Poor •Rich •Tall •Dark •Light •Handsome •Pretty •Ugly •Selfish

•Unselfish •Self-confident •Respectful •Considerate •Imaginative •Busy •Patriotic •Fun-loving •Popular •Successful •Responsible •Lazy •Dreamer •Helpful •Simple-minded

•Humble •Friendly •Short •Adventurous •Hard-working •Timid •Shy •Bold •Daring •Dainty •Pitiful •Cooperative •Lovable •Prim •Proper

•Ambitious •Able •Quiet •Curious •Reserved •Pleasing •Bossy •Witty •Fighter •Tireless •Energetic •Cheerful •Smart •Impulsive •Loyal



Plot - the events that take place in a story. Every story needs a plot! The plot has different “parts…”


Con f l i c t• Conflict is the

“battle” between two forces.

• Conflict isn’t always bad..sometimes it helps to create change.

ConflictConflict is the struggle between two forces in a story. Without conflict, there is no plot.

Types of Conflict

Character vs Nature

Character vs Society

Character vs Self

Character vs Character


The climax is the most exciting part!!

The climax of the story is the turning point of the story; the moment when the ultimate

suspense reaches its peak. The climax is the problem of the story.

ResolutionThe solution to the problem is the way the action is resolved.

For example, Katie often resolves a conflict by finding a compromise for two fighting

characters or helping fix any mistakes she made while switcherooed into someone else.

It is important that the resolution fit the rest of the story in tone and creativity and

solve all parts of the conflict.


A Storyboard is…• a sequence of drawings, typically with some

directions and dialogue, representing the shots planned for a movie or television production.

In The Form of Sticky Notes

Plenary• Write an imaginative story by using the

characters mentioned in the story Three Questions.

• Characters:

1.The King

2.The Hermit

3.The Injured/Wounded Man
