Educational technology requirement 2 2015


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THE COMPUTER AS A TEACHER TOOLS, according to this website, Computer could be a handy tool for the teacher, in fact it can support the constructivist and social constructivist paradigms.CONSTRUCTIVISM, was introduced by Piaget(1981) and Bruner(1990). They gave stress to knowledge discovery of new meaning/concepts/principles in the learning process. Various strategies have been suggested to foster knowledge discovery, among these, students engaged in gathering unorganized information which they can include ideas and principles.SOCIAL CONSTRUCTIVISM, this is an effort to show the construction of knowledge is governed by social, historical, and cultural context. This is to say that the learner who interprets knowledge has a predetermine point of view according to social perspectives of the community or society he lives in.2

LEARNING FRAMEWORKCONSTRUCTIVISMSOCIAL CONSTRUCTIVISMAssumptionKnowledge is constructed by the individual.Knowledge is constructed within a social context.Definition of learningStudent build their own learning.Student build knowledge influenced by the social context.Learning strategiesGather unorganized information to create new concept/principle.Exchange and share from ideas, stimulates thinking.General orientationPersonal discovery of knowledge.Students discuss and discover meanings.example8*5-8+8+8+8+8Two alternative job offers.Option 1-8 hrs./day for 6days/weekOption 2-9 hrs./day for 5 days/week.


INFORMATIVE TOOL, the computer can provide vast amounts of information in various forms, such as text, graphics, sound, and video. Even multimedia encyclopedias are today available on the internet.CONSTRUCTIVE TOOL, the computer itself can be used for manipulating information, visualizing ones understanding, and building new knowledge.CO-CONSTRUCTIVE TOOL, students can used constructive tools to work cooperatively and construct a shared understanding of new knowledge.SITUATING TOOL, by means of virtual reality extension system, the computer can create 3-d images on display to give the user the feeling that are situated in virtual environment.4

THE INTERNET AND EDUCATION, according to, the internet has become an increasingly important feature of the learning environment for teenagers.According to Paz I. Lucido, Ph.D, the internet also simply called the net, is the largest and far-flung network system-of-all- system.5

How is everything coordinated through the internet?


How is everything coordinated through the internet? This is done through a standardized protocol.TRANSMISSION CONTROL PROTOCOL/INTERNET PROTOCOL, to gain access to the internet, the computer must be equipped with what is called a server which has a a special software(program) that uses the internet protocol.6

GETTING IN THE INTERNET, the vast seas of information, including news and trivia.BROWSING, the most attractive way to move around the internet, using a program the user can use mouse to point and click on screen icons to surf the internet particularly the world wide web.WORLD WIDE WEB, an Internets subset of context, images, and sounds are linked together to allow users to access data or information needed.7

LEARNING WITH COMPUTER AND INTERNET, according to www., once youve set up your computers, youll probably want to get Internet access so you can send, and receive e-mail, browse the web, watch movies, and more. Before you can access the internet, thre are three thing you need: an internet service, a modem and a web browser.CHOOSING AN INTERNET SERVICE, It all depends onwhere you liveandhow much speedyou need.Internet service providers(ISPs) usually offer different levels of speed based on your needs. If you're mainly using the Internet foremailandsocial networking, a slower connection might be all you need.CHOOSING AN INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDER, Once you have decided whichtype of Internet accessyou're interested in, you can determine whichISPsare available in your area that offer the type of Internet access you want. Then you'll need to purchase Internet service from one of the available ISPs. Talk to friends, family members, and neighbors to see which ISPs they use. Below are some things to consider as you research ISPs:SpeedPriceEase of installationService recordTechnical supportContract terms


USES OF INTERNET AND DISTANCE EDUCATIO, according to, Distance education is different from the traditional education. Distance education is that educational information and instruction is taught to learners who are physically distant from the source of that information and instruction.THE INTERNET AND WORLD WIDE WEB, Distance learning programs involve many kinds of technology. The Internet andWorld Wide Web(WWW) are the primary means of presenting educational information. Once learners have subscribed to, or signed up for an Internet provider, they gain access to the educational materials and services designed for the Internet and WWW. The educational information is stored electronically; thus learners with access to the site can download or use the information as long as it is stored there.TYPES OF DISTANCE EDUCATION, Some distance learning programs offer highly structured courses, which lead to a degree or certificate. Learners are asked to take certain numbers of courses and pass the exams, and then they can get a degree such as B.A., and M.S. or a certificate. In other forms of distance learning, participants take courses only for meeting their professional interests and aptitudes, but are not interested in a degree program (Porter 1997).HOW DOES DISTANCE EDUCATION WORK, First of all, the learner should decide what kind of distance learning program he wants to take. There are many web sites such as Petersons Education Center providing plentiful distance educational resources, and the potential learners can link to each resource mentioned. When the learner links to the Web site that he is interested in, he can see the goal, content, policy, and tuition of the educational programs. He also should notice the hardware and software requirement and should set the equipment before starting his distance learning. The lectures are presented online, and instructors may pose questions to begin the discussion. Instructors frequently place course readings on the Web enabling students to print entire lectures or take notes. Sometimes instructors also choose some books or journals as textbooks. These textbooks are often supersedes by information available electronically on the Web sites. Instructors also assign homework, and students should complete it by scheduled deadlines, just as they would be on campus.THE MOTIVATIONS BEHIND DISTANCE EDUCATION, The most important reason causing distance education is that many people they want to take courses but cannot attend formal scheduled classes. The possible obstacles these people face include: (1) Inconvenient class hours, (2) Home and job responsibilities, (3) Campus inaccessibility, (4) Child or elderly care, and (5) Commuting costs (Minoli 1996). The emerging communication media like the Internet provides ways to solve these problems and contributes to distance learning a lot.PROBLEMS, Although distance education is very flexible and convenient, it still cannot provide the college experience. Working with other learners, being part of a total educational environment, and collaborate closely with academic mentors is still valuable to many learners.



USING INTERNET FOR AUTHENTIC ACTIVITIES, according to this, Authentic Activities Use real-world resources in an activity such as authentic resources, experiences, and sharing. The Internet provides access to a wide range of primary resources such as letters, diaries, journals, logs, data, documents, speeches, and videos.10

1. as a tool for communication >any form of communication between two or more individual people who interact and/or influence each other via separate computers through the Internet or a network connection - using social a tool for inquiry > Computer-supported interactions with scientists should be designed to integrate with pedagogical objectives, and can complement open-ended inquiry activities.3. As a tool for construction >it can be used for manipulating information.11

REFERENCES TEACHNOLOGY 2 BY Paz I. Lucido, Ph.D copyright, 2007

Created by:

Lito C. Ramos Jr.

Rica J. Mallabo

Arlene G. Patica
