Eating Together is Priority in Child Care | Bright Start Academy



Many families in which there is a small member think that they should have their meal together, so that they can teach their little ones some table manners. But due to their busy schedules they are unable to do it. Bright Start Academy is a child care center which understands you problem and for helping you it provides family style dining to the kids in child care center.

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Eating Together a Priority in Bright Start Aacdemy

Sitting down to a family meal can be a rare occurrence. Between work, errands, and activities, the life of a parent is a busy one! Sometimes it’s just easier or more convenient to grab dinner on the go. While this is bound to occasionally happen, research shows that taking time to share in a family meal can have many benefits on each individual, as well as the family unit as a whole.

We understand that it may not always be feasible for you to have family meals every night. It is another way to become an active member of our day care family, and it helps them to learn proper table manners. 

Family-style dining usually comes with family jobs. Children set the table, getting our dining area ready for everyone to come in and eat. child.

Food is served “family-style” in bowls and on plates and children serve themselves. They learn turn-taking, patience, and manners as they wait their turn for the food. But it’s not just about doing jobs and learning table manners!

Eating together as a “family” opens the lines for communication, giving everyone time to share stories, talk about experiences, and give each other time and attention. That’s why when it comes time to eat, we eat as a community. Teachers sit with the children in their care, making it a more casual environment than the classroom.

Children are invited to share about their day; what they liked and didn’t like about how the morning went, what they’re looking forward to, as well as giving everyone time to share stories. It solidifies our O’Fallon Day Care community, ensuring that each child knows they have a special place in our day care space!

Our O’Fallon Day Care is more than just a place your child goes to learn and play, we’re a community where your child feels safe and loved. Family-style meals are just one way that we make sure that your child knows that they are a member of this great community!

It’s another way we connect with your child, helping them learn important social skills, while spending time enjoying the company of their friends and teacher. Having fun, while learning…it’s the Bright Start Way!

Contact us to register your child at:


Bright Start Academy


Or Visit us at:

864 Homefield Blvd.O’Fallon MO. 63366
