Donald Trump-America’s next president


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Donald Trump- America’s next President

Donald Trump’s family

Ex wives

Trump loves beauty queens

Trump says he wants to build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico.

He was a TV star for many years.

He has no political experience.

Trump doesn’t believe climate change is real.

Trump went bankrupt 4 times!

Trump hasn’t paid taxes since 1995 because he lost so much money that year.

He may be very rich. We don’t know.

Trump loves Russian president Putin.

Edward Snowden and the NSA- Will Putin send him back to his friend Trump?

What will he do to “make America great again?”

He made his own board game.

He had a steak company.

He started a university

He wrote many books

He built many casinos

Trump tower

America spends 1 million dollars every day on security for the Trump family.

Trump said he would put Hilary in jail if here got elected. Now he is saying he won’t.

Conflict of interest

• Trump is trying to use his new power to make more money for his company.

• This is against the law!

• He may get into trouble for this.