Digipak research


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Digipak Pack Research(Similar artist genres)

Nerina Pallot• From my website research I found her album

artwork front cover.• The background of the cover is reflective of her

website and is constant throughout her work (work of synergy)

• The album art shows the artist of the album as the main feature• Her ‘name text’ is simple and easy to read and again constant

throughout her medias.• One negative about this album art is that the title of the album isn’t as

clear and obvious as some

Beth Hirsch• The name of the artist on this artwork is very

clear and is the largest text on the front• The album name on her front cover is very easy to


• Unlike Nerina Pallot’s album cover the artists look as slightly more ambiguous which isn’t always what you want for an upcoming artist• However they both have a portait of the artist and a clear artist name in


James Bay• Similarly to the other artist’s albums the image of

the main artist is front and centre• Simple fonts are used to protray the artists name

and album name

• As like Nerina Pallot’s artwork his face is clearly depicted to help promote his as an artist• The picture in the urban setting coincides with the artists genre, website

and music videos