Different types of slaves




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Different Types Of Slaves Different Types Of Slaves

bonded labour

This is when the worker agrees to provide labour in exchange for a loan, but quickly

develops into bondage as the employer adds more and more work and time to the deal.

slavery by descent

Descent slavery is passed down through generations of African Americans who are already slaves, they are born into slavery.


The slaves are forced to work on forest, farm or estate, where crops are grown; trees, cotton,

coffee, tobacco, sugar cane, sisal, some oil seeds and rubber trees.

urban slaves

Urban slaves mainly worked around the home, had better clothes and better food. They were given more free time and were not always shackled. They were generally

treated with more respect than field slaves.

mine slaves

These types of slaves mainly worked in the mines, they often got abused by the more dominant workers. They got tied up, whippings and water torture for not collecting enough coal.

This is a quick video which explains a bit about slavery and the different types of slaves.

How were they chosen?

They were physically stronger and tougher than most other races.

They were not necessarily chosen for strength but were survivors of conflict.

They were sold by their own people.

Slaves which were chosen to work in the house were considered to be of a higher status than the field slaves.

The Europeans needed labourers who were used to tropical conditions to do manual labour in their colonies.

The blackest slaves usually had the hardest jobs, and the lighter skinned slaves were kept as house servants or trained in a skilled job. Lighter slaves were generally treated better.

Why are lighter and darker black treaded differently?


Even in today's society black people with lighter skin are often more popular and treated better than black people with darker skin, for example...

Beyonce is more popular than Kelly Rowland as she has lighter skin and hair, therefore she resembles a white person more. This is linked back to when lighter skinned slaves who were mixed race lived in houses and were more higher class than field slaves.

How were they treated?

After the slaves were freed they still were murdered, raped, and their houses burned to the ground.

The slaves were whipped, beaten and flogged as a punishment for doing their work wrong, sometimes they even killed.

They were treated as lower class, therefore lived in huts made of logs, wore ripped, poor quality clothing and had not clean, messy hair.

They were treated as property instead of people.


Start of European slave trading in Africa


First enslaved Africans


Sir John Hawkins becomes England’s first

slave trader


Britain becomes the biggest slave trading


Quakers ban slave trading amongst their followers



Granville Sharpe collects evidence showing slavery to be incompatible

with English law


William Pitt introduces a Bill to abolish the slave trade, which fails.


-United States abolishes foreign slave Trade-France abolishes slavery in French colonies


Bill for the Abolition is passed in the House of Commons but rejected in the

House of Lords


In the US, slavery supposedly ended

Some slavery still goes on today...

Slavery has not ended yet, although most the countries in the world do not recognise ‘ownership’ of other people

Slavery such as human trafficking, bonded labour (such as in sweat shops or massage parlours where

they are forced to work off the cost of their transportation), child soldiers.
