Diaporama it's my classroom


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  • 1. It's our classroom C'est notre classe We are in the second and third primary school. We have 7 and 8 years old. March, 2014

2. It's our school. We have 3 classrooms. Sao, in France 3. It's the schoolyard. 4. This is our classroom. 5. We work in this classroom the morning from 8:30 a.m. to 11:50 a.m. and the afternoon from 1:40 p.m. to 3h40 p.m. We have all lessons with our teachers in this classroom : french maths history geography sciences english german The blackboard The video-projector our desks 6. A duty board with for example : give out the books, clean the blackboard, postman, to call the register The schedule waste sortingThe library and the school equipment In our classroom we have... It's the teacher's desk. The teacher desk 7. The art corner Works in plastic arts.... 8. Near school, we practice music with Muriel each tuesday in the village hall. We prepare a show for the school celebration. 9. We practice sport outside the school .. in the forest for the jogging. 10. We practice sport outside the school .. in the village for orientation. This is the village stadium for games. 11. The COMENIUS CORNER 12. The COMENIUS CORNER 13. We are looking forward to see your classrooms !!