Descriptive Writing Intro


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Using WOW Words

Why descriptive words are important to your writing

Why are descriptive words important?

Using descriptive, or WOW words, helps our writing reach a new level to include our senses of sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell.

You can use descriptive words in all of your different types of writing, even expository and persuasive

Brings our writing to LIFE!

WOW words are to your writing, what music is to a movie

They won’t change the meaning of what you write, but they will change the impact that your writing has.

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Using WOW words in persuasive writing writing

WOW words help you “sell” your side of a debate or campaign.

Most people don’t want to join a boring club, they don’t want to support a boring candidate, they don’t want to buy a boring product.

For ExampleDo you want to buy a paper towel....

Or do you want to buy “The quilted, quicker, picker-upper - Bounty”


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ExampleFor Christmas my family went to Grandma’s house. We saw snow on the way there. Everyone ate turkey for Christmas dinner. On Christmas morning we opened presents. I had a lot of fun seeing all of my family.

Example The week before Christmas my family piled in to the car bundled in our warmest jackets and tucked under our fuzzy hats and scarves. We drove through the vast country side where the snow acted like a giant, soft, white blanket, tucking the ground in for winter. When we arrived our noses were greeted by the rich aromas that wafted through the house carrying the sweet smells of pumpkin pies and the scent of warm turkey baking in the oven. On Christmas morning we all tip-toed down stairs and anxiously waited until it was time to dive in to the shreds of wrapping paper and find out what Santa had left. We were all sad to say goodbye, so we leaned out the car window in to the frosty air for one last wave to our family before we were on our way home.

Give it a Try

The girl has a new dress.

Give it a TryIt is hot in Florida during the summer.