D) Scrip Formation 08 9



4th PowerPoint - Scripture Formation

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How Christian Scriptures Were Formed


Stages: 1. Historical Jesus

Jesus is born in 6 - 4 B.C. Dies approx. 30 A.D. Lives normal Jewish life until about 27- 28 years

of age

Public life: “Jesus teaches, heals, and proclaims God’s reign. He forms a group of apostles to carry on his work. Pontius Pilate has him crucified in April of 30 A.D.”

Oral Tradition 30 - 50 A.D.

Disciples live life in light of resurrection of Jesus. The reflect on his meaning. They preach, teach, and worship in his name. Begin to assemble collections of Jesus’ material

(eg: miracle stories, parables & passion narratives)

Move from Palestine to Mediterranean world Paul’s 1st letter: 51 A.D.

Written Letters & Gospels50s - 60s: Pauline Epistles

65 - 100: Gospels written90 - 110: Revelation & other Apostolic writings…

Historical World of Jesus: Holy Land:

“Promised Land” “Land of Israel” “Land of Judah” “The Land” “Palestine”

Greek name, after the Philistines

Geographical Shape: Rectangular 145 miles, North to South 25 miles wide in North 87 miles wide in South (near Dead Sea)

Served as a crossroads for Egypt, Syran, and Persian expansions

Later: political conquests of Greece & Rome

Map of Palestine

Ancient Israel

-Western portion: rain

-East. portion: no rain

-Dead Sea:

-Below Sea Level - and therefore holds a great amount of salt within its waters.

Three Key Regions 1. Galilee

Northwest. Farmers/Sheppard's in the region Jesus & most apostles were from here Capernaum, Cana, Bethsaida = important cities

2. Samaria South of Galilee Home of Samaritans - who accepted the Law of Moses

and the belief in one God, though they rejected the writings of prophets & wisdom writings --

Rejected the Temple in Jerusalem as the center for Jewish worship

3. Judea Southern most part - dry, barren, and rocky All of the leaders of the Jewish faith resided here… Jerusalem was here - most of population here/Jericho

Religious Practices Only one Temple in Jerusalem

Holy Place in Jerusalem Place of offering sacrifices to God & where they

believed God to have resided Only the High Priest could enter the Holy of Holies

(during Yum Kippur) once per year. Day of Atonement

New Testament Temple: Third Construction


3rd Construction in Jerusalem (at time of Jesus) 1st - Solomon: Stood for 400 years before Babylonians 2nd - Modest Version under Zerubbabel 3rd - Herod the Great: “magnificent temple”

Begun in 19 B.C. (main construct finished in 9 B.C.) Completely finished in 64 A.D. - six years before the time of

Roman demolition.

Jesus & Judaism: Learned his Jewish religion in Nazareth’s

synagogue Synagogue: House of worship & prayer, a

meeting house that was found in every Jewish community with 10+ men

Jerusalem thought to have 100+ synagogues Synagogue - Three purposes:

House of prayer & worship Place of discussion for legal settlements Local school

Jewish Synagogue – TurkeyCa. First Century

First Century Synagogue Remains

Jewish Oppression Under Foreign Rule 6 Centuries:

Jews under foreign rulers: Babylonians Persions Greeks Seleucids Romans (63 B.C. under Pompey)

Political Arena Around Jesus

Palestine: Part of the Roman Empire Stretched from Great Britain across the

Mediterranean, including Greece, Northern Africa, Egypt, to Turkey…

Pax Romana: Peace of Rome Everyone in Roman Empire: United under one

ruler. Common language, systems of roads, good

system of justice, and strong army

First Century Politics

Even they had political differences…

Jewish Oppression Under Foreign Rule At the start: Romans allowed autonomous

rule under King Herod the Great Cunning, Crafty, and at time Cruel Known for his ‘slaughtering’ of innocents @ time

of Jesus Historian, Josephus, writes that Herod even killed

several of his sons, and one (of 10) wives as he feared he might be overthrown.

Herod the Great & His Palace

First Century Jewish Beliefs

What did the Jews believe in at the time of Jesus?

1st Century Jewish Beliefs 1st Century Christians were Jews, though their

belief in the Messiah (Jesus) set them apart 1st Task: Spread the good news that Yahweh had

fulfilled his promises to the Jews in Jesus In order to understand better the N.T. - need

to look at the beliefs of the Jews during the 1st Century…

The Messiah

Most Jews believed (prior to Christ), that Yahweh would send a Messiah very soon. Messiah - translated to Greek = Christos (Christ),

which literally means “Anointed One” Belief that God would bring someone like

David - someone full of love and care for the people of Israel. The successors to David were the opposite: full of

corruption and weakness They eventually faltered, allowing invaders in

which destroyed the northern and southern kingdoms.

Because of David’s failed successors, and the destruction, the Israelites were forced into exile in Babylon. At this time, they were certain Yahweh would bring to them the Messiah.

Different views of what the Messiah would be like - even during the days of Jesus - but most believed that he would be like David; a political leader and a military czar who would bring back Israel’s prominence in the region. Belief was that Yahweh would completely restore

Israel to its “rightful place among the nations.”

Jesus: Contradicted popular expectations of what the Messiah was expected to do/say. This is why so many rejected him as the Messiah

Jesus: A carpenter from Nazareth, not a military or royal figure

Jesus spoke of love and peace, not violence/war

Jesus interpreted his role as Messiah as one who suffers for others. As Savior - he was the “Suffering Servant” which

even when against the thinking of this apostles until the spirit enlightened them at Pentecost.

The Reign of God

This refers to the acceptance of God’s will by everyone.

Central to Jesus’ teaching and Jewish belief/understanding.

When God reveals himself to the Jews, and then through Christ, heaven & earth will meet (the Kingdom of God) Justice will prevail God’s peace, shalom, will embrace the whole


Reign of God Acceptance of God’s will by everyone

Central theme in Jesus’ teaching & in faith of the Jewish faith.

Christians: believe Jesus both announces the coming of God’s reign and also ushers it in. His life, ministry, teaching, & suffering: establish

God’s reign once and for all.

First Century Jewish Beliefs The Messiah:

N.T. period = high in “messianic expectations” Jews: Most believed that YHWH would soon send

the Messiah. Messiah translated to Greek as Christos - meaning ‘anointed one.’

From time of King David’s reign, Jews believed that their covenant relationship with God meant that Yahweh would give them a king who would represent love and care for the people.

Christianity & Reign of God

Christians believe Jesus both announces the coming of God’s reign and brings it in.

His life, healing ministry, teaching, and sacrifice on the cross have established God’s reign once and for all. Christians have Jesus’ own mandate to help the

reign of God grow and take hold in the hearts of people.

We do this by worshipping God, proclaiming the Gospels, living as Christ taught us, and helping those in need.

The Torah Abiding in the Law, or the Torah, was central to

Jewish faith. The Pentateuch, first five books, contains the

Torah. The Law is not arbitrary, but God’s revelation. God expects obedience to the Law as a response

to his covenant promise. God had promised to protect, guide, and bless

them forever…their response was to abide by God’s law.

Judgment & Resurrection Since 2nd Cen. B.C. - most Jews believed

YHWH would judge the dead by rewarding the good & punishing evil Prophet Daniel: Introduced the idea of the

resurrection of good people who shall live forever.

Jesus: accepted the view of human destiny - and is held as core to Christianity. Resurrection: Will take place as we are one with

the Lord who conquers sin and death.

Spirit World N.T. times: belief in angels and demons Jews began the thinking of angels as

messengers of God. Jews & Christians: believed in demons, but

saw them as ultimately controlled by God.


The coming of the Messiah & the reign of God Jesus will return in glory to establish the

fullness of God’s reign. Parousia = the Second Coming of Christ N.T. epistles: state that they would see the

Second Coming in their lifetime.

Jewish Groups

First Century


Priests/Aristocrats who protected the temple and scriptures

Theologically conservative - accepted the law, but not the prophets.

They made up the Sanhedrin They disappear following the Temple’s

destruction in 70 A.D.

Pharisees 6000 members, but great influence at time of

Jesus Pharisee: “Separated One.” Strict observance of the law - kept them from

sin & Gentile influence. Criticized Jesus for working with those outside

the law. Good models for fellow Jews.

Pharisees Con’t Desire to apply Torah to daily life Many served as Scribes Jesus criticized them because they thought

they could earn heaven by keeping religious customs. Jesus taught that God’s love & reign are a pure gift - given to both saint/sinner

The continued after the destruction of the Temple - convening at Jamnia (near Tel-Aviv) and reformed Judaism. This is where the separation of Christian/Jew occurred.

Essenes Formed by a man called: “Teacher of

Righteousness” Belief: Most of those who practiced were

impure, as was the Temple. The withdrew themselves to a desert

community - at Qumran (Dead Sea). Celibate life, shared goods, lived a life of ritual

purity. John the Baptist may be a member.


Believed in violent overthrow in order to rid the Holy Land of Roman occupation.

Began in Galilee in protest to taxes and the occupation.

They were active as Jesus grew up and then during his public ministry.

Simon was a Zealot. Eventually: formed revolt against Romans

Jesus’ Origins

According to Matthew & Luke

Gospels Matthew’s Version -

Matthew: Jewish-Christian writing for other Jewish-Christians

Purpose: to show Jesus fulfilled O.T. prophecies Matt - traces Jesus’ roots to Abraham. Jesus is the

promised Messiah. Son of David, fulfillment of Jewish hopes.

Matthew Con’t Jesus comes through power of H.S.

He is divine and human To be named Immanuel “God is With Us!” Joseph is made aware of this, according to

Matthew, by means of an angel. Jesus is born in Bethlehem, David’s home and

the town Micah prophesied would be the home of the Messiah Magi: Recognized him as a great king.

Matthew Jesus = the new Moses. He is also the new

Israel. Matthew uses the past to explain the present. Idea: to convey theological truth Parallels: Slaughter of the innocents, used to

explain Moses’ parallel - and exile nto Egypt is parallel to Joseph (O.T.) taking his family there.

Luke’s Version Showed his Gentile-Christian identity

Jesus = Messiah to all Stories of John the Baptist & Jesus mixed in

order to show Jesus’ divine origins. Jesus’ connection to the poor, evident from his

birth. Pharisees and pious Jews looked down on the

poor; Jesus embraced

Luke Con’t Jerusalem is a key city:

Key symbol to Luke in Christianity Luke shows Jesus on a journey to Jerusalem Jerusalem: passion, death, & resurrection