Ctr (choose the right)




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CTR(Choose The Right)

Christopher AgrazRaul Ovalle

What is CTR?

CTR is always making the right decision in everything you do in life, for example if your friends ditch school you should never ditch school don’t follow the same step as them.

Founder of CTR

• Steve Haymore is a teacher at Linda Marquez High School.• Mr. Haymore is 39+ years old.

Examples of CTW

• Ditching school.• Doing drugs.• Disrespecting elders.• Never listen to your parents.• Get in trouble.

Good Sportmanship

Respect not only your teammates, but also your opponents.

Respect your coaches and the officials of the game

Respect the rules of the game.

Always play fair

Accept the judgment calls of the coaches and the officials without argument.

Offer encouragement to teammates, especially when they make mistakes.

Forgive yourself when you make a mistake and get right back into the game.

Lose without pouting

Win without gloating or rubbing it in

Examples of CTR

• Do good in school.• Stay out of trouble. • Respect others.

Consequences of CTW

Go to jail Become a drug addict Give up easily

Michael Phelps

• Olympian of all time, with a total of 22 medals.• Focus on goal.• Never give up.• Give everything you got.

Choosing the Right.

If you're walking down the right path and you're willing to keep walking, eventually you'll make progress.Barack Obama

Ways To (CTR)

Helping a Homeless Man


The End