Csr project in sbmt


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CSR-project in SBMT

Prepared by Rada Ryzhikova, Inessa Shaeva and Kate Protko

4 steps:1)Student FORUM2)“SBMT for everyone”3)Vending machines4)Paper recycling bins

1) Student FORUMWe realize our student self-government has to be not only to make our inner life on faculty funnier, but also to set positive changes connected to social responsibility.As we know, SBMT keeps step with innovations and tries to make the atmosphere more comfortable for studying, and this is the reason for us to be proud of. Studen

t Forum

An event, made by administration and SBMT’s student organizations for student self-government organizations from other facultiesBasis of programme, example:• Speech of administration about CSR policy in SBMT;• Seminars and trainings (about CSR) from students;• Discussion of modern problems of CSR and ways of their

solution with participants, etc.

Student FORUMExchange of experience with others

New ideas from students

To act globally

2) “SBMT for everyone”We know how it’s difficult for

foreigners to adapt to new country and we see how many of them are

separate from us.

“SBMT for everyone” is a rang of meetings and events to make

students from other countries closer to Belarusians and our culture.

“SBMT for everyone”Table and command games with foreigners;

Contests and events connected to Belarusian culture or showing their own culture (cooking contests, talent contests, intellectual games, etc.);

Showing Minsk (like tour or simple walkings) by students.




3) Vending machines“Make healthy food more convenient

than junk food”

More and more people are becoming interested in living healthier lifestyles and are becoming educated about what they should eat.

So we suggest to set vending machine on the 4th floor, that will provide healthy food

4) Paper recycling bins

We recommend to put paper

recycling bins on each floor of the building, so the waste paper will be diverted away

and sent for processing and


Thanks for your attention!

In order to get more details about the project or to inform us of any mistakes you’ve found, please, send an email: rada-cat@yandex.ru