Cross cultural communication


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Cross Cultural Communication

CultureCulture is the ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a particular people or society.A culture is a way of life of a group of people--the behaviors, beliefs, values and symbols that they accept, generally without thinking about them, and that are passed along by communication and imitation from one generation to the next.

Characteristics of CultureCulture is not inherent, but learnedCultures are rooted in deep seated beliefsCulture is the basis for self-identity and communityCultures are dynamic

What is Cross Cultural Communication Cross-cultural communication is a field of study that looks at how people from differing cultural backgrounds communicate, in similar and different ways among themselves, and how they endeavor to communicate across cultures.

Problems of Cultural DifferencesPeople in different countries have different ways to interpret events, they have different habits, values, and ways of relating to one another. When they come across, problems pops up.People tend to view their cultural practices right while other as wrong or peculiar. This is called ethnocentrism.Gestures and body movements, beliefs and practices related to human relationships are the two main factors that impacts communication.

Blocks to Cultural CommunicationEthnocentrism : Inability to accept another culture's world view; "my way is the best." Discrimination : Differential treatment of an individual due to minority status; actual and perceived.e.g., "we just aren't equipped to serve people like that." Stereotyping : Generalizing about a person while ignoring presence of individual difference.e.g., "she's like that because she's Asian all Asians are nonverbal."

Cultural Blindness: Differences are ignored and one proceeds as though differences did not exist; e.g., "there's no need to worry about a person's culture Cultural Imposition: Belief that everyone should conform to the majority; e.g., "we know what's best for you, if you don't like it you can go elsewhere."

CULTURAL CONFLICTS IN WORKPLACECultural conflicts arise because of the differences in values and norms of behavior of people from different cultures. A person acts according to the values and norms of his or her culture; another person holding a different worldview might interpret his or her behavior from an opposite standpoint. This situation creates misunderstanding and can lead to conflict.

One Gesture different Interpretations.

Why cross culture is important ?GlobalizationBusiness opportunitiesJob opportunitiesSharing of views and ideasTalent improvisationAn understanding of diverse market

Differences to consider in cross cultural communication Frequency of eye ContactAssertivenessUse of Hands While TalkingPhysical Distance Between CommunicatorsSpeed of SpeechUse of First Names vs. TitlesVolume of SpeechUse of Facial Expressions

Potential hot spot in cross culture communicationOpening and Closing ConversationsTaking Turns During ConversationsInterruptingUse of SilenceAppropriate Topics of ConversationKnowing How Much to SaySequencing elements during conversation

Skills To Overcome DifferencesRespecting Differences and Working TogetherBuilding Trust Across Cultural BoundariesUnderstanding Body LanguageConnecting with people

Need for Cross-cultural Communication in BusinessCultural diversity is perceived quite often around the world with the change in geography, climate, countries, states, religion, language, race and gender.For a business to develop in technically competent and advanced global village, in terms of communication, travel and transportation, this cultural diversity must be breached.

Purpose of Cross-cultural Communication in BusinessTo create cultural synergy between people from different cultures within a business.To avoid problems stemming solely from misinterpretation when coming across people from different culture and society in the large expanding business globally.Communicating across cultures effectively improves your productivity and efficiency


Tips for Cultural Communication Slow DownSeparate QuestionsAvoid Negative QuestionsTake TurnsWrite it downBe SupportiveCheck MeaningsAvoid SlangsWatch the humorMaintain Etiquette