Creativity in schools


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Creativity in schoolsEL ARABI Imane

Content of the presentation

•What is creativity and why is it important•How schools kill creativity•How to promote creativity in schools

Creativity: Definition & Importance

What is the first thought

that comes to your mind

when you hear the word

« creativity »?

Ability to

imagine or


something new

Having original


Making the simple,

awesomely simple

Seeing what others can’t seeTaking risks

and breaking the rules

It can be

innate or


Creativity is problem solving with relevance and novelty. It is characterized by the ability to perceive the world in new ways, to find hidden patterns, to make connections between seemingly unrelated phenomena, and to generate solutions.

“Without creativity, we are all less inspired, less inventive, less resourceful, less socially aware, less globally aware, less of a society… and ultimately less human”.

Nigel Carrington, vice-chancellor at the University of the Arts, London

Why do we need creativity right now?

• More people have degrees

• The creativity crisis

• Employers pick creativity over all leadership skills

How schools kill creativity

The researcher reports that the percentage of a person’s decreases as we get older:

preschoolers 9 to 12 year olds 12 to 17 year olds0







Schools force people in specific areas: At the top are mathematics and languages, then the humanities, and at the bottom are the arts.


Most people become spectators instead of participants

Students have become frightened of being wrong.

Education is modeled on the interest of industrialization and the image of it

They’re organized on factory lines

Ringing bells

Separate facilities


Separate subjects

How to promote creativity in schools

“Play to unblock human potential through all stages of life”

1-Provide a playful workspace

Play IS creativity

2- Encourage them to ask questions

“You don’t want to raise a kid in a culture where the kid who asks the most questions is annoying”

Foster curiosity


Brainstorming is about problem solving and generating multiple ideas, so you could apply it to a problem.

4-Encourage students to make mistakes

Lead children to activities where they are able to find out the answer through trial and error .


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