Constitution day final project


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Final Project

Social Media

Professor Kiker

Summer 2011

Vanessa Beale Roebuck

1. A safe and orderly environment

2. Kindness, care, and respect

3. An education that is interesting and challenging within a supportive classroom

1. Do the right thing

2. Try our best at all times

3. Be kind to others

Go to Independence Hall to find out more

The most useful tool has been the Kiker Learning Network.I did enjoy learning how to Twitter, found bookmarking useful on delicious useful, and enjoyed making videos .

I have been most successful with the technology tools that I have had experience with and knew how to use. My most difficult challenges have been using a variety of computers (a pc, a laptop, and a MAC) because of different software applications, learning how to send information to myself and then upload it onto the network, especially without power.

Moodle is an interesting site that has many more capabilities than I had had the time to explore at this point. On line learning is not my favorite way to process information, however, I did appreciate Professor Kiker’s responsiveness, enthusiasm and encouragement!