Compound nouns


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Compound Words

What is on the picture?

A dog

What is on the picture?

A house

If we combine the words DOG and HOUSE, what do we have?

A doghouse

What is a dog house?

A house for dogs

Doghouse is an example ofCompound WordCompound words are

words made of two smaller words.

Knowing the words that comprises a compound words helps us to determine the meaning of a compound word.


+blue bird


A bluebird is a bird with blue feathers

However, there are some compound words that we cannot derive its meaning from the words the two words that comprise it.

butter + fly =butterfly

But it does not mean that a butterfly is a butter that flies

hot + dog = hotdog

But it does not mean that hotdog is a dog which is hot

Lady+bug = ladybug

But it does not mean that all ladybugs are female

Closed compound nouns



There are also different kinds of compound


Open compound nouns

electric fan

ice cream

Hyphenated compound nouns



Prepared by:#7 REYNALDO, Alma VIII-7 BEEd
