Compose a course paper


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Opening Development Complication Climax Resolution

Use this structure to help plan your and organise yourparagraphs.

OpeningIntroduce your characters and setting. This is where the

threads of the story are started.

The young wizard went for a walk in the

enchanted forest. As he was leaving, his

teacher Merlin offered some advice:

“ Remember it’s an enchanted forest. Don’t

stray from the main path!”

Development Explain the events that lead up to the big dilema in the


Give more information about the characters and thesetting.

The threads of the story begin to get tangled.

It was getting late and Roger was startingto fell hungry. He decided to ignore hismaster’s advice and take a short cut .

Complication This is the heart of your story and explains the problem

your characters have to overcome.

The threads of the story begin to get tangled, almost like a knot.

Sudenly, the forest got darker and thespooky,trees seemed to be moving, clawing at him with their branches! Roger was scaredandlost. He didn’t know what to do. He startedto cry.

Climax This is the most exciting part of the story where all the

action happens

He ran trying to escape the bracnches.

Everywhere he turned his path was

blocked by terrifying trees.

Resolution This is where the problem is solved or not.

This is where the bits of the story are untangled and tied together.

All of a sudden a bright light appeared

before him. Merlin appeared. He waved

his wand and the trees became as still as

statues. He was saved!!!

Make your work come to life with varied and interesting language


AdjectivesAdjectives are describing words used with nouns. Make your work more lively and interesting by using them.

The witch becomes the scary, old witch.

ConnectorsConnectors are linking words . Make your work more fluid by using them.

He wanted to go to the cinema. He couldn’t because he had

no money.

He wanted to go to the cinema however he couldn’t because

he had no money.

AdverbsAdverbs are describing words used with verbs. Make your work more lively and interesting by using them.

He looked at the boy.

H e looked angrily at the boy.

SimilesSimiles are used to describe something in a way that readers can visualize it. They add effect to your writing.

The cake was as big as an elephant!

AlliterationAlliteration is when words beginning with the same letter are used together. These are used to create interest and add effect.

The slithering snake slid across the floor.

DialogueDialogue is when you write about what characters said to each other. You can use it to create interaction between the characters, move the story along and to explain parts of the story

Top tip: vary your work by using alternatives to said

and adverbs together

“What are you doing?” asked the policeman suspiciously .

“Sorry, I am lost I don’t know where the bus station is.” replied the boy



Onomatopeia is when you use words that sound like the noises they describe.

The ducks in the pond quacked with delight.