Codes and conventions of a thriller film


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Codes and Conventions of a

Thriller film By Daisy

What is a Thriller film?A thriller film uses contains suspense, making the

viewers always on edge in order to grip the audience. The protagonist is usually against the antagonist or is

trying to solve the problem. This could include an escape, something which is scary to the audience

(paranoia), or solving a problem which is threating. The audience will usually feel anxious, scared, or even

excitement while watching a film within the thriller genre. the plot will usually be relatable so that they

feel this could also happen to them making them fearful and scared as they can put themselves into

their situation.

Cinematography • The shots will often be quick and short to hide

their identities, or long shots showing them far away (i.e. showing a dark figure)• Close ups and extreme close ups will be often but

mainly of the protagonist to express to the viewers their emotions, this is important in thriller films in order to create a heightened sense of suspense and fear.

Editing • Rapid editing is a big part of

conventions in thriller films to heighten fear. • Jump cuts/cross cutting to make the

audience scared of what the next cut is going to be and what's going to happen next which is vital for a thriller films.

sound• Non diegetic tension building music is

vital in order to create suspense and fear. • The music will often start slow and

become more dramatic towards the end • Music stings may be connected to

characters and danger to heighten suspense and fear.

Mise en scene • The lighting will often be very low to

hide their identities. • The location is also vital to make the

audience feel on edge and go with the plot to make it realistic for the viewers. • Composition• Costumes are important to portray the

correct character and make it realistic for the viewers • Make up

Stereotypical characters• The protagonist is usually a strong male who wants to resolve the threating issue

or antagonist to restore peace. • The antagonist is usually a mystery to the

audience to make them on edge and fearful. The audience wont usually find out

who they are until the end and will only see part of them (e.g. in a horror hybrid).

Conventions of a thriller film• Low key lighting • Quick cuts (rapid editing)• Tension building non diegetic music • Changes in angles which shots are taken from• Diegetic sound of breathing (creates a sense of

fear with its connotations)• Black and white shots • Montage of shots• Protagonists is against the antagonist