Clip2 - The car crash


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The descent Clip 2 - The car crash

Jessica Owen

Editing pace- Conversation

• The conversation pace is slow because the dialogue is setting the scene and explaining what’s happening. This is trying to show normality and make the car crash unexpected. There are eight transitions in this scene.

Editing pace - Car crash

• The editing pace is extremely quick. This is because it needs to add this feeing of how quick car crashes happen. In addition, this is to make our imaginations create some extra gore which they could not put in. There are 6 transitions in this scene.

CGI• The blood that is used in this scene is all done by computer.

You do not see the metal rod pierce his face because that would have brought the age rate. In addition, the metal rods in the left screenshot have been edited it. You can see how its feathered at the edge. They have made an error because they edited the blood on the seat before the metal rod pierced his chest.
