Cc Word List 12


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College Composition

Ms. Wummel

(noun) an instrument for measuring

A temperature gauge is known as a thermometer.

(noun) festivity

Students tend to believe that there needs to be some sort of gaiety for every little joyous occasion. I disagree.

(adv) merrily

When paydays come every other week, I skip the halls gaily, and then go to the mall.

(noun) a manner or rate of movement or progress

When I wear high heels, my gaitchanges slightly and I move much slower than normal.

(adj) possessing a brave or chivalrous spirit

He was a gallant knight and saved the damsel in distress.

(adj) abundant

After leaving the candy on the counter, I came home to ants galore.

(adj) pertaining or relating to electricity produced by chemical action


(noun) current electricity, especially that arising from chemical action


(verb) to imbue with life or animation

In many ways, one can justify that Geppetto galvanizedPinocchio and brought him to life.

(verb) to risk money or other possession on an event, chance, or contingency

Some people gamble away their life savings at the casino; I like to bet on UFC fights.

(verb) playful leaping or frisking

The young child hurt himself while gamboling about on the playground with his friends.

(noun) a gambler

I know I don’t seem like it, but according to my bookie, I’m quite the gamester.

(noun) the whole range or sequence

Being the dork that I am, I own the entire gamut of the James Patterson Alex Cross series.

(verb) in cookery, to surround with additions or embellishment

Because I like to cook so much, I often find myself garnishing my own plate with parsley at dinner.

(noun) the military force stationed in a fort, town, or other place for its defense


(verb) to execute by strangling


(adj) given to constant trivial talking


(adj) light and unsubstantial


(adj) of, pertaining to, or near the stomachgastric

(noun) inflammation of the stomach
