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Caracalla“. . .when he passed beyond the age of a boy, either by his father's advice or through a natural cunning…he became more reserved

and stern and even somewhat savage in expression, and indeed so much so that many were unable to believe that he was the same person whom they had known as a boy...Many omens predicting

Geta's murder occurred... For although Geta was the first to depart from this life... the first to be born… (is the) the first to begin his

rule.”– Aelius Spartianus Kerry D.


Jan. 2002


Early Years

Born on April 4, 188 in

Lugdunum, Gaul. (Now Lyon,

France.) Born with the name Lucius Septimus Bassianus.In 196 his father changed name his name to Marcus Aurelius AntoniusMother is Julia Domna Younger brother, Geta, a year younger than him.

Married once to Plautilla.(far

right.) Disliked by his wife’s father, Plautianus.

From Father to SonsSeptimius Severus, born in 145, was his Father.Father ruled from 193-211Known for building his own arches and buildings. Died at York on February 4th, 211- at 65.His sons, Caracalla and Geta returned to Rome, aborting a conquest of Scotland. Senate had him deified. Left his so sons joint-rule. “Agree with each other, give money to the soldiers, and scorn all other men.

(Top) In this coin Septimius Severus, Caracalla’s father, faces Caracalla.

(Below) Septimus Severus

Brotherly Love?

Caracalla and Geta were known to be complete opposites.

Only a year apart, but still hostile to each other.

Geta supported by their mother, Julia Domna.

Divided imperial palace on Palatine Hill in half, each with their own entrance, so the brothers would not meet.

Also tried to divide empire.

Caracalla and his brother, Geta, standing at an alter with their father.


Its said that Geta attempted to have Caracalla murdered. Geta’s attempt failed, because in December of 211, Caracalla murdered his brother, in their mother’s arms!Although Geta had many strong supporters, Caracalla was able to find a time when they were both together with their mother, Julia Domna.It’s said Caracalla killed his brother in person.

Geta’s EndGeta’s murder would lead to a clear, widespread opposition to Caracalla by his powerful supporters.Even the army had to be won over by a large sum of money.Geta’s friends and supporters were executed without trial20,000 were killed in 212, by Caracalla.Decreased relations with the Senate.Murder shadowed over Caracalla’s reign. Erased memory of brother.

Military Accomplishments

Many accomplishments in Europe, and expanded the empire of Rome.In Spring and Summer of 213 he left for Gaul. At Narbone he killed many citizens and the Governor of the province. Defeated in Germany, but bought peace at a high price. Continued to Asia Minor where he established colony Edessa. In 215 visited Alexandria and burial place of Alexander the Great, his hero, but he also massacred the citizens of Alexandria.

Parthian WarAssembled army at Syrian frontier, in the summer of 216.Civil war in Parthian empire since 216, between Vologaeses and Artabanus, and he took advantage.Sided with Artabanus, and proposed marriage with his daughter, but the plan backfired.Then marched upon the unprepared Artabanus, and was victorious. Withdrew to spend winter in city of Edessa and plan for new operations the following year.These plans never happened.

Septimuis Severus Arch depicting the Parthian War

Macrinus’s ConspriacyMarcus Opellius Macrinus, commander of the praetorian guard, plotted against the emperor and news of his conspiracy leaked out, but a warning did not reach the emperor in time.Julius Martialis, officer in imperial bodygaurd was chosen to do the dirty work.His brother had been executed a few days earlier by Caracalla.Both Macrinus and Martialis were in the party that accompanied Caracalla on April 8th from Edessa to Carrhae.

Coins of Caracalla

A Horrible EndSuffering a stomach ache, Caracalla was given privacy by all of the guards; only one attendant was at his side.Martialis struck him with a sword.The 29-year-old emperor was killed.Martialis was later killed by a bodyguard, while Macrinus claimed innocence, and soon after became the next emperor.Caracalla’s body was cremated and sent to his mother in Antioch.A little while later his mother died, and months after that they were both deified.

Image of Caracalla

Caracalla’s Baths

Constructed around 212 CE

Finished in 217 CE

Between 6000 and 8000 bathers each day!

Used for three centuries; abandoned by 537 CE

Baths occupy a rectangular area of c. 337 x 328 meters .

9000 employed daily.

Had a library, halls, stadium, underground levels, baths, beautiful gardens.

Arches and Statues

Massive arches, describing his reign, victories, and war.

Arch containing tale of Parthian War.

Modeled himself after Hercules and eastern and African kings.

Famous Hercules statue found at his baths.


Hercules with club and lion skin. Caracalla wanted to be seen as Eastern or African king.Saw Hercules like a hero.Modeled himself after Hercules.Wanted to be seen as a victorious Eastern king or divine hero.

Army, People, and SenateLoved by military for Parthian War and military victories.Not liked by Senate and people because of murder of brother.Another bad case of son taking over after father. Not much in Rome; assassinated by commander of praetorian guard. Seen as failure after his father, Septmius Severus. Forever shadowed by Geta’s murder.Deified by Macrinus, though.


Eastern/African king.

Admired Hercules.

War hero.

Realistic, heroic look to his statues.

Also admired eastern kings, like Alexander the Great.


Rosanna Cappelli, Marina Piranomonte, and Sandra Ciuffini. The Baths of Caracalla

Electa Publishers, Milan/Rome, 1998

The End!
